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Lauren’s eyes widened. “Really?” She whispered. “Which one?”

I shake my head. I really don’t want to say it again, but Lauren is just blinking back at me.She totally doesn’t grasp the seriousness of this situation.“I kissed my roommates,” I say again, putting emphasis on the plural part of ‘roommates’.

“All of them?” Asks Charlie, her voice a bit too loud for my liking.

“Sssh!” I press a finger to my lips. “Keep it down.”

“Oh, sorry,” she whispers. “So… all of them?”

I nod. “All of them.”

“Oh, man girl,” says Lauren, her head slightly tilted up while gazing at the ceiling. “What a treat.”

I scowl. “What do you mean ‘what a treat’?”

Charlie clears her throat. I swear it’s in an attempt to keep from laughing as she tries to hide her face from me with one hand pressed against her mouth. “I think Lauren means,” she begins, coughing once again, “is that you are one lucky woman.”

“What?” I nearly hiss to keep myself from shouting. “How in the world am I lucky?”

Charlie waggles her eyebrows. “Oh, they are hot.”

Lauren nods her approval. “Very hot.”

“Are they any good at kissing?” Charlie makes a kissing face at me which only makes me blush harder.

Honestly, I was not expecting the conversation to take such a wild turn. I was expecting some slut shaming, maybe a few ‘ewws’, and some ‘what were you thinkings’. Not a high five for a job well done.

“Yes,” I say while pushing back my hair, twirling the strands around my finger. “They are all very good kissers.”

Charlie nods. “You lucky girl.”

“Is that it?” Asks Lauren. “Is that the only thing that you’re upset about? Kissing isn’t a crime, Rachel.”

I feel my face heat even more and wonder if it’s just going to erupt in volcanic lava at this point. I try to ignore Lauren and Charlie’s shared look. “Oh, there’s more?” Asks Charlie while both of them lean in.

I groan and smack my head. “Yes,” I whimper.

“Tell us,” says Lauren, her hands tapping on the table in excitement. “I gotta know. My love life has been boring lately.”

Charlie cringes. “Yeah, mine too. Let us live through you!”

“Sssh!” I shush them again while looking around. I grimace, noticing several people are looking our way and before leaning in. “Seth and I may have shared the shower the other day.”

Both girls gasp. “No!” They say in unison.

I nod. “And we didn’t really… wash up.”

Lauren smacks the table several times while Charlie covers her mouth. They look at each other and squeal.

“Sssh!” I shush again. Everyone in the cafe is looking at us as if we’ve all sprouted several heads.

“Wait, so who do you like more?” Asks Lauren.

I shrug. “I don’t know. I don’t think I can answer that.”

“Well, you must like one of them the most,” says Lauren.

Charlie waggles her eyebrows at me. “Unless you like all three equally.”

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