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Seth and Hunter laugh around me and I flip through the pages, finding another entry and reading, “Dear Diary, tomorrow I leave for Colorado where I will start my new life at Aurora University.”

“Oooh, exciting,” Hunter says in a girly voice.

“I’m worried I won’t make any friends.” I pause and take out the pen, writing:Duh!I clear my throat and continue, “AndI wonder if photography is really the path for me.”

Seth rolls his eyes and flops down on the bed. “Oh my god she is so boring.”

“But,” I raise one finger, “at least it is something for now. Maybe after a year I can get into Juilliard or Colombia after I build up my portfolio.”

Hunter and Seth groan.

Hunter grabs the book from me and flips through it. “I want something more interesting. Sex. Drugs. Give me something!” He frowns and continues flipping through the pages violently. “Poetry, poetry, photography.” He groans. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing!”

“Well, I just want to build up my portfolio and go to an art school,” I say in my high pitched voice while fluttering my eye lashes and flicking my wrist.

Seth scoffs. “Yeah, right.” He grabs the book from Hunter and throws it across the room, where it lands neatly in front of Rachel’s feet.



I stare down at my journal resting at my feet, blinking several times and wondering if I am ever going to awaken from this ongoing nightmare. I glance up at the boys lounging on my bed, before looking down at my book. Again. I glance back and forth for a while, still trying to figure out why they were in my room and what they were doing.

“Do you think she’s going to scream?” I hear Hunter whisper to Seth.

My vision goes red. My nails dig into my palms and I grind my teeth keep myself from exploding. “What,” I breathe and it takes everything within me to keep myself calm. To keep myself from lunging and ringing their muscled veiny necks. “Are you doing,” I take a step forward and Lucas and Hunter shove themselves up from my bed, “In my room?” My eyes land on Seth, who is still lounging on my mattress as if he owns it. As if nothing could possibly be wrong with this situation.

Seth scoffs, rolling his eyes. “If you didn’t want us in here, then why didn’t you lock your door?”

“Because you assholes were throwing food all over the apartment I just cleaned!” I shout, unable to keep my voice down. I grab my diary and throw it at Seth’s head.

He rolls over, barely dodging it and pushes himself up. “For fuck’s sake you really are psychotic,” I hear the bastard mutter while pushing his goons outside the door.

“Out!” I shriek, slamming the door shut behind them and locking it.

I look around at the underwear and bras thrown all over, finding my camera resting not in the same place. I lurch, grabbing it and having a look.Where are the lenses?I wonder, turning it over like an idiot.Like I would really find lenses on the back of my camera.I swipe the notebooks from my bed and dig through my rumpled clothes in the drawer, throwing more garments around the room, but finding absolutely nothing.

Oh God! What if they broke it?

I turn my camera on, praying it still works and they didn’t destroy the one expensive thing I own.

I release a breath when it beeps on.Thank God.

What if they deleted everything?Not like I have much.They better not have deleted anything.

I click the display and nearly drop the camera. I snatch it before it hits the ground and click again, seeing another floppy piece of meat surrounded by curly brown hair.

I scream, gripping my camera and nearly ripping it into two as I throw open the door and stomp out into the middle of the living room. Seth is on the ground rolling around on the floor, laughing maniacally as his idiot goons chuckle in the kitchen.

“Who did this?” I shout, showing the dick pic around and earning even more laughter from Seth.


No answer.

It’s like I am living in a Hell house.

“And where the hell did you put my lenses?” I walk to Seth, towering over him as he continued rolling around on the floor laughing. A sneaky little thought goes through my brain, telling me to kick him. Hard. But violence is never the answer.

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