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Seth shrugs.“Me neither. I’m a track athlete, not a muscle head like Hunter. Who knows, maybe you beat me and I’ll have to clean up the mess.”

I glare at him.“Yeah, sure. Like that’s likely.”

“Whatever, psycho roommate,” says Seth. “But you were the one who wanted a meeting,” he points at me, looking annoyed. “You were the one who couldn’t live with the mess. And now we are offering you a solution and you’re snubbing your nose, looking down on us like we’re the pieces of shits when everything was fine and dandy before.”

“Fine!” I shout, my hands fisting to keep from strangling his stupid neck. “Let’s do this. Who wants to go first?” My scowl darkens when I see Mr. Bigshot Muscles Hunter raise his hand, smirking as he drops from his huge height down onto the sticky floor and quickly pumps out at least a thousand push-ups right there and then.

“101, 102, 103,” calls Seth, crouched down low while counting.

Lucas leans against the couch, crossing his arms and watching Hunter with a smirk. He looks up at me briefly and I feel his eyes raking up and down my body, as if undressing me right there. I scowl back at him, crossing my arms over my chest.This is ridiculous. Why did I even agree? Am I freaking stupid?

“200,” calls Seth and Hunter jumps up, flexing his muscles ridiculously.

“I could probably do more, but what’s the point?” He stalks over to the couch and then it’s Lucas’s turn, jumping down into a plank and continuing with this stupid show of meat headedness.

“105, 106,” Hunter and Seth yell out together.

Yep, I’m going to lose. I’m totally going to lose and they will force me to clean the whole apartment and then what? I will become their slave? Just great. Just great Rachel. I shouldn’t have said anything. I should’ve kept my mouth shut and just went to my room,but noooooo. I just had to call them out on their disgusting life style. I scowl at Seth, still calling out numbers while Lucas completes push-up after push-up. If he hadn’t just left me at the shop, then none of this would’ve happened. If he was just a nice human being I wouldn’t be stuck in this mess. Why? Why wasn’t he nice to me? What did I do wrong to deserve this?

My gaze falls on his arms, looking at the biceps stretching the thin fabric of the Fleet Feet Sports shirt. Yep, those look like they can do at least fifty push-ups. I’m out of the game. Screwed. I wonder what those arms would feel like wrapped around me.Or pinning me down to the bed.

“250,” call Seth and Hunter while Lucas stands. He takes a moment to straighten his hair and wink at Hunter.

“Show off,” mutters Hunter.

Seth pouts.“Ahh, poor Rachel. Getting nervous? Should I go easy on you?” He rests his palms on the floor and grimaces. “Ugh, this floor is nasty. Good luck to the loser.”

Lucas and Hunter chuckle.

“1,” calls out Lucas.

“2,” says Hunter.

I look away and shake my head, fighting back the stupid tears. I got myself into this mess.

“5,” says Lucas.

To my surprise Seth jumps up and shakes out his arms.

“That’s it?” Asks Hunter.

“You must be joking,” says Lucas, looking him up and down.

“Think you can beat that, roomy?” Seth leans over, his face mere inches from mine. My breath hitches, for a minute thinking he’s going to press those lips against me. His gaze dips down, my face heats at the thought of him closing the gap between us. “All you need is six,” his voice is soft and low.

I yank off my jacket and toss it at Lucas and Hunter, who both barely avoid it. It winds up hitting the couch and I roll up my sleeves, walking to the center of the kitchen.“Game on,” I mutter, planting my palms on the sticky floor and ignoring the shudder rippling down my spine at the feeling.Just don’t think about what’s been on this floor.I move my body into a plank easily.You can do this, Rachel. Think yoga. Think of all the planks and yoga you’ve done before.

I slowly bend my elbows. Ignoring the shake in my biceps, I push up from the ground, biting back a hiss of exertion. “One,” Seth calls out.

Just five more. Five more, you can do this.

I bend my elbows again, gasping when I felt my muscles beginning to give out.Fight it. Push through.I push with as much strength as I can muster, my whole body quivering while I bring it back up into a plank. “Two,” all three boys says together.

Four more!

But I don’t know if my body can possibly do four more. My arms are shaking violently. I take a deep breath, hovering there in a plank and willing my arms to bend once again. “We are waiting,” Seth sings above me and I scowl up at him, hoping he burns in hell for this torture he is putting me through.

Come on. Just four more.

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