Page 22 of Knot My Pack

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My entire life is going up in flames and there’s nothing I can do about it.

I’m nothing but a slave to the Solveig alphas.

Tears stream down my cheeks as I’m dragged out of the luxurious room.

Is this the end of my life?



Every taunt about me being adopted runs through my mind.

“There’s no way you’re their real daughter,” they’d say. “They picked you up from a dumpster. You’ve got to be a foster or a stray they adopted.”

Everyone around us could see how much my parents doted on Delilah. She always received the best of everything while I had to be satisfied with the scraps she rejected.

I never let it bother me because Delilah needed the nice things to secure her future. I always ignored people’s snide remarks but tonight, they come back to stab my heart.

I’ve just been fooling myself while outsiders saw the truth.

But I have a birth certificate, I think, trying to drown out the voices that are intent on breaking me.

So, what?A snide voice whispers in my head.They still left you behind for these alphas to tear you apart. They stole your life and only took Delilah.

Pure agony flares through me.

My parents took Caleb Solveig’s money solely to get Delilah into Winslow Academy for Omegas. While they provided her with a luxurious life, I was left to struggle to pay for school and the smallest things I needed because there was never enough left for me.

I can’t believe they’d evendareto cheat a pack like the Solveigs for Delilah’s sake.

I think of all the times my parents gave Delilah the best of everything. They weren’t cruel to me and didn’t starve me, but it was rare for them to even show me the same level of affection they had for my omega sister.

Would things be different if I was an omega too?

I can’t even bring myself to think about my present circumstance.

How could working as a janitor ever be enough to pay back the money my parents owe the Solveig Pack?

All my hopes of going to college and living an independent life are snatched from me in the blink of an eye. How could I live the life of a slave with no way to escape?

I’m so lost in my thoughts that I don’t even look where Damon is taking me. Suddenly, the sound of a hundred voices talking around us jerks me out of my daze.

I find myself standing in a vast hall that’s filled with long tables.

Young men in black uniforms crowd around a few tables at the front, talking in low voices. There are steaming mugs and plates of food before them.

The smell of meat wafts into my nostrils, making my stomach groan.

I didn’t eat the meal Ethan offered me earlier that evening, hoping to have the stuff Mom makes for dinner. Now, I’m hungry but there’s no way the alpha beside me was going to offer me anything.

You’re lucky you’re a girl, his threat repeats in my head.Or I’d have peeled the skin off your flesh.

A shiver goes through me.

Damon’s arm pulls me closer to him.

Despite wanting to hate him, I steal the warmth his body offers.

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