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"Back to him," I seethe.

"Fuck off, no she hasn't. You're jumping to conclusions."

"Am I? She left a fucking note. She's gone."

"A note telling you she was going back to that fucker?" Confusion clouds his eyes.

I think back to the words on that piece of paper and my stomach turns over. "Basically."

His shoulders tense and his lips press into a thin line. "Well, let's go and fucking get her back."

"I..." I trail off, the realization slamming into me that going back might be what she wants.

Staggering back, I collide with the wall and slide down until my ass hits the floor.

My world spins.

She's gone.

The one thing—the one person—I've wanted more than anything has just walked away like what we had meant nothing.

"You're giving up?" Cole asks, disbelief coating his words.

"I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, Cole. Everything since she turned up has been fucked up beyond belief. She didn't even want to be in the Bay. She was only there because Jay thought it was the best place to leave her after what happened to her on New Year’s."

"You really think she didn't want you? You're fucking delusional, man. That girl loves you."

"Does she?" I ask, jumping to my feet and stepping into his space. "Does it fucking look like she loves me?" My voice is so low that I'm not even sure if he hears it.

"If he's involved in this, then she didn't go voluntarily, and you know it."

"Well, it doesn't look like she tried to fucking stop it." My hands slam against his chest, and he takes a step back, but I don't allow him any space. I need this right now. I need to fight to help numb the pain.

"I know what you're doing."

"Yeah? So give me what I need."

He shakes his head.

"You're different, you know that? She's turned you into a fucking pussy," I seethe, getting so close our noses are almost touching.


That one word is like fuel on the fire already raging inside me. Wrapping my fist around Cole's shirt, I pull my arm back. I'm just about to throw my first of many punches when the door opens.

"Conner," Hadley gasps, her soft voice the reality check I need. I release Cole and turn my back on both of them. "It's okay. Conner's just venting."

"It's James. He says it's urgent."

Tension crackles around the room before Cole's voice cuts through the silence.

"Yeah. Yes. Yes. Okay. We're coming back now. Okay."

Spinning on my heels, I pin him with a look. "What the fuck was that?"

"We need to go home. Shit's going down."

"What shit?"
