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“Probably a good thing you’re staying in the pool house then,” I mutter, instantly realizing my mistake. “Okay, that’s embarrassing.”

“You girls going to sit there all day, or are you going to come and eat?”

Ace plates up the steaks and slides it onto the big table. We all get seated, Ace and Remi to our left, Cole and Hadley to our right.

“This looks great, thanks,” I say, cutting into my steak.

“We should check out the hot tub later,” Conner suggests, and Ace almost chokes on his food. “What?” he adds.

“Nothing.” Remi waves him off, shooting daggers at Ace.

“The hot tub, dude?” Conner grumbles. “Really?”

“It gets treated and emptied. It probably isn’t even the same water as before.”

“I fucking hope not. I’m not swimming with your swimmers.” Conner laughs at his own joke and I cover his mouth with my hand, but he pries my fingers away.

“Firstly, it’s a hot tub, you don’t swim,” Remi counts off on her fingers. “Secondly, they definitely changed the water since we came. And thirdly, it wouldn’t be the first place you’ve been up close and personal with somewhere we’ve—”

“Okay, Princess, that’s enough of that.” Ace slings his arm around the back of Remi’s chair. “Did Dad speak to either of you about the wedding yet?”

“No, why?” Conner says.

“Because they’ve asked me to do a reading. A fucking reading, can you believe it?”

“What, like a poem?” Cole snorts.

“Or maybe a monologue,” Conner adds, fighting a snicker.

“Fuck you. At least I’m in the wedding.”

“I know something I’ll be in.” Conner squeezes my knee under the table.

“Seriously, bro,” Cole mutters. “You can’t keep it clean for like, one meal?”

“We gotta make up for lost time. Isn’t that right, babe?” Hooking me around the neck, he pulls me in close and kisses me.

“Conner,” I protest, swatting him away. “I’m still eating.”

“I’d rather eat you.” He doesn’t even attempt to whisper the words, diving for my neck and nuzzling me there. My laughter drifts into the air, making my insides quiver with anticipation.

“Don’t mind us,” Cole grumbles, and I catch Conner flip him off over his shoulder.

“Babe, we have an audience,” I point out as he starts peppering my skin with tiny kisses.

“If you don’t stop, my food is going to make a reappearance.”

“You’re just jealous.”

“You have seen Hadley, right?”


“What?” he mutters. “It’s true, you’re beautiful.”

“Excuse me while I go puke.”

“Nice, asshole. Real nice.” Remi smacks Ace in the arm.
