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"You're being a pussy, bro. Just open it."

"Leave him be," Hadley says, fighting in my corner and thankfully distracting Cole from pestering me.

"What's wrong, babe?"

I suck in a breath, debating what to say. In the end, I lean down and whisper in her ear. "I didn't send the applications," I admit.

She gasps in shock, her eyes flying up to meet mine.


"I just... I couldn't think about the future when you were..." I trail off, not needing to say the words out loud.

"So it’s not an acceptance letter?" She keeps her voice low so it's only us who can hear her. "What is it?"

"I have no idea."

She snuggles back into my side and I breathe a sigh of relief that she's not going to pressure me to open it.

The drive to the beach house is short, and just as Ace and Remi promised, it's a slice of heaven.

The house itself sits into the side of the cliff, overlooking the beach and ocean below. It's stunning and the perfect place for us all to hang out and forget about the stresses of life for a few days.

"Wow," Hadley breathes as she takes it all in. "I want to live here."

"It's a bit different to what I'm used to," Kenny says, her nose practically pressed against the window.

In only a few seconds we're out of the car and Ace and Remi are climbing from his bike. Ellen promised us that she'd organized for the place to be fully stocked and that all we had to worry about was our clothes and ourselves.

"Come on!" Remi practically bounces on the balls of her feet in excitement. "I want to show you the inside."

She threads her arm through Hadley's, who in turn reaches out for Kenny, and the three of us watch as they head for the front door.

Cole and Ace come to stand on either side of me.

"This is it, you know?" Ace muses. "We graduate in a couple of months and we're all going in different directions."

His words cause a lump to form in my throat. As much as I'm ready to jump into Betty with Kenny and head off into the sunset, I'm not sure I'm prepared for a life where the three of us are possibly living in different states.

It's always been the three of us against the world. I'm not even sure I know who I am without them.

"Con, you coming?" Kenny calls from the doorway. The sun shines behind her and she looks like an angel. My angel.

A smile curls at my lips as the tether that's always between us pulls tighter and I take a step toward her. I might be apprehensive about what the future holds, but I know one thing for certain: whatever happens, wherever we end up, it'll be together. Because Kennedy Lowe really is it for me.

"Come see our bedroom, it's incredible."

She spins on the balls of her feet and bolts for the stairs. I take two steps to her one and catch up with her in no time, wrapping my free arm around her waist and pulling her back into my body.

She giggles as I nuzzle her neck as she leads me toward an open doorway.

"Look at that view." She gestures toward the floor-to-ceiling windows, but I pay them no attention as I back her up against them.

"Looks pretty perfect to me," I mutter as I stare down into her eyes.

"Con, look at the ocean, it's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you, K." A shy smile pulls at her lips. "I could look at you forever and never get bored."
