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“So I have a confession to make,” I said, cradling the glass of wine in my palm. It was abigglass of wine. Bigger than any the guys had poured me before.

I had to wonder if that part was intentional.

“I guess it’s not so much a confession as it is a love problem,” I went on. “And it’s not even a problem at all. In fact, it’s just the opposite.”

Liam and Duncan looked confused. It occurred to me that, for once, they didn’t know something beforehand.

“Delilah, what are you—”

“While you guys were on base Julius told me he loved me,” I said simply. “And I told him I loved him too.”

Draping my arms up on either side of the couch, I carefully examined their reactions.

“And it’s not just that,” I said, “because I’ve thought it over for days now. There’s no question about it. I love youall.”

Liam and Duncan were sitting opposite me, in chairs of their own. They were leaning forward with interest now. A half-finished beer dangled from Duncan’s fingertips, wholly forgotten.

“Are you surprised?” I asked. “I’m not. After all you wanted a girlfriend, and a girlfriend comes with emotional as well as physical attachments.”

Liam looked about to say something, but it was Duncan who opened his mouth first. I stopped him with an outstretched hand.

“I mean I knew I cared about you,” I went on. “Who wouldn’t? But when we started this thing I wasn’t looking ahead. It didn’t even occur to me that Icouldlove more than one man, but that’s exactly what happened. Only it makes perfect sense when you think about it, because this whole relationship hasn’t really been a one-on-one thing. It’s been about being together, all of us. Being a team.”

“We’ve always been a team,” Liam breathed, “even before you came along. It’s what we do.”

“Exactly,” I agreed. “We’re not just four people having four different relationships, we’re havingonerelationship together. And it’s a big one. A huge one. But at the same time it’s also—”

“An awesome one,” interjected Duncan.

I nodded, smiling. “I was going to use the word ‘incredible’, but yeah, awesome works too.”

One by one they got up and sat down on either side of me. I took another long pull of wine. Whatever they were about to say might change the course of everything.

Instead of saying anything they kissed me, one by one. Liam went first, his mouth pressing softly against mine. Duncan’s kiss was more insistent, but no less full of passion and meaning. As they drew back, I could feel my whole lower body tingling.

“You didn’t think for a single second we didn’t love you too, did you?” asked Duncan.

Very slowly I shook my head. It was the truth.

“Good,” said Liam. “Because we do. And we don’t just love you, Delilah. We’reinlove with you. We have been since the first time you made our little ones laugh.”

His hand slid to my thigh, squeezing me possessively. Pressed tightly against the other side of me, Duncan did the same.

“We’re glad Julius broke the ice too,” said Duncan. “Socially he sucks at a lot of things, but the one thing he’s good at is telling it how it is.”

Liam nodded. “We wanted to tell you for a while now, but… well… we were afraid.”

His statement floored me. “Afraid ofme?”

“More like afraid of scaring you away,” explained Duncan. “Think about it: all three of us, sitting you down and telling you welovedyou? That’s gotta be overwhelming.”

“It’s not!” I protested. “I mean, it wouldn’t have been, had you done it. I think it’s sweet. Actually I think it’s perfect.”

I couldn’t help myself: I had to kiss them too. I did it slowly, more sensuously, starting with Duncan this time and ending with Liam. By the time I was finished, both men tasted like wine. My body also felt ten degrees hotter all over, but especially in my face.
