Page 64 of The Vacation Toy

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It’s not like we could bribe Danny again. Not only was I sure it wouldn’t work, but it he’d immediately become suspicious. We didn’t have the same rapport with the other camera crews, and they were rotating out so quickly it would’ve been hard to plan anything. The only time any one of us wasn’t being watched was in the bathroom itself, and even then they were right outside the doorway, ready to resume filming before our hands were even dry.

We even toyed with the idea of running in four different directions, and then meeting up somewhere predetermined. If we did that though, we’d be voiding our coverage agreement. Forfeiting our spot in the Race, as well as our chance at the grand prize.

In the end we could only stare at her and let our minds wander. Replay the already-legendary memories of our time in Mo’orea, while taking as many cold showers as possible.

We’d have her again, that was for sure. It just might not be untilafterthe Race.

Hell, it was almost enough to make me wish we were eliminated right now.

“Well I think I’ll be turning in early as well,” Brooke said abruptly. She stood up, setting down her near-empty glass. “Time to head back to my lonely room, as sad as that seems.”

“That does seem sad,” I confirmed. “Which room was that again?”

“One far, far away from yours,” Brooke chuckled for the camera, before leaning in. Her lips tickled my ear, sending shivers rocketing down one leg as she whispered hotly:

