Page 11 of Her SEAL Protection

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“No. Not yet.” She took a deep breath before rushing on. “I was hoping I could talk to you, actually. I’d like your help. Can we meet for coffee or something?”

Chandler smiled. Chalk one up for fate. Here was his chance to get out of the office. “Can you meet me at Crown Coffee, say, in twenty minutes?”

“Yep. I’ll be there.” She ended the call and for a long moment, Chandler sat there staring at his black phone screen.

After the way things had gone down after he and Adam had brought her home from the hospital, he’d doubted he’d hear from Eden again. Not in person, at least. He’d gotten her email from Adam and had sent along his suggestions for security systems for her home and workspace, and she’d replied with a few brief, perfunctory words of thanks. He’d figured that that was that. She’d certainly made it clear she wasn’t looking to hire a bodyguard. But now, apparently, she wanted his help. Not with security, per se, but with her amnesia.

Honestly, Chandler didn’t know how much assistance he could be there. He knew Adam had given her the police reports and some links to articles about the crime. Beyond that, Chandler didn’t have much to offer. He wasn’t some mental health expert or memory guru.

Still, he was curious and meeting her sounded a hell of a lot more exciting than sitting in his office getting buried under paperwork. He began to wonder if maybe there was more to this impromptu meeting than just the case. He’d noticed the way she’d looked at him when he’d first shown up at the hospital. He’d been checked out often enough to know there had been more than a casual interest in her expression.

And yeah, she’d caught his attention in turn. He’d always been into her, even if he’d kept it to himself.

But was now the right time for any kind of involvement? Putting aside the whole issue of what Adam would have to say about it, getting involved with Eden right now just seemed like bad timing. She had a ton she was dealing with, between the murder trial and her amnesia, and all of his time and energy was going into adjusting to civilian life and to running the agency. Did he really have the headspace to even consider a relationship right now?

No. Probably not.

He drew in a breath and let it out. Damn.

He could meet with her though. If there was a way he could help her remember the past two months, he’d do it. As a professional—and nothing more.

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