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“No,” I scream but it’s too late.

The force of a bullet hitting home propels him forward and he falls to his knees.

Blood oozes from his chest and I realize he’s taken a bullet for me. Hot tears pool at the corners of my eyes before rolling down my temples.

I tear across the hallway, my safety forgotten. I fall to my knees and take his massive weight against me. “Grey! Grey!” I scream but it sounds like I’m screaming into a vacuum.

Blood smears across my chest. Red. Hot. So damn much of it. Oh God, he’s going to bleed out in my arms. Not for the first time tonight I’m torn between saving myself and caring about the men I should fear.

“Run, Katriona.” His tight voice takes on a growling tone. His warm breath brushes across my ear. He’s struggling to stay up, more of his weight leans on me, and my body trembles from the exertion.

I cast a look around. Help. Who can help?

Drake is across the alley, bleeding across the face but his fists move so fast I don't think he realizes he's wounded, too. Sylan. Where is he?

“I...I... Grey?” My words are a little hard to get out. Emotions I don’t understand clog my throat until I force them free. “I can’t leave you, damn it, Grey. Don’t you fucking die! Sylan!” I scream, finally spotting him, but he’s busy burying his fist into the face of Muscles.

I cup Grey’s face. His cheeks are growing colder. He doesn’t have much time.

“I’m so sorry,” I whisper.

"Kiss me. One more time, Katriona, and then you have to leave."

I take his face in my palms again and lower my lips to his, knowing it will be the last I ever see of any of them.

“We will find you,” he grits out “Go!”

Grey puts a bloody hand on my shoulder, pushing me away. “Go. Run. NOW!” he roars and I stumble back, letting him fall forward, my heart crashing to the floor with him.

The dark flare of rage and fear in his eyes chase me long into the night.
