Page 2 of Bred By the Bratva

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“Yeah, that girl died and a bone-tired woman has taken her place. Maybe for good.”

I take the strawberry she offers from a tray of fruits and dip it into some freshly whipped cream. It’s been two and a half years since she met her husband and I still marvel at her good fortune. Back then she was a mafia princess trapped by her father’s will and I was the bad influence willing to risk his wrath for her freedom.

Sure, he kidnapped her as revenge for her father killing his, but it all worked out.

For her.

She married her soulmate and built her loving family from the ground up and I could not be happier for her. She deserves all she can handle after the hell her father put her through.

As for me, I’m still waiting for a happily ever after with someone who can make me blush and scream at the same time.

First, I need to untangle the mess my life has become.

But no one will hear me complain. I’m alive and that means I have three hundred and sixty-five chances a year to correct the course of my dumpster fire of a life.

You see, my father is–err was–the top lawyer for Serenity’s father who is the most powerful man of Chicago’s underworld. Two years ago, I was freshly out of law school looking to have my name on a law firm’s wall within twelve months. I was that good. I had a strong name backing me, true, but I knew my job and I had clients most people my age only dreamed about fresh out of law school. I was lucky.

Nice dream, right?

Well, I thought so too and then it all went up in roaring flames before the ink on my degree had a chance to fully set.

Being the legal adviser for such a powerful man came with a lot of perks for my father. Astronomical wealth, power, expensive penthouses, and cars. When he spoke, everyone hung on his words as if they were written from the dew of God’s breath. No one did a damn thing without his approval. He made shady deals look legit on paper and forged connections with anyone Serenity’s father needed.

He was the perfect man for the job until he wasn’t and he became the fall guy.

With all the money blinging in his eyes, my father forgot to take notice of the massive pitfalls. One wrong step landed him and his ego at the bottom of a bottle with his name ruined. In the process, he took me along for the ride to the ground level because of our shared names and office.

Good-bye prestigious law degree and hello two minimum wage jobs. Paying off expensive college debt is about as fun as it sounds. After my dad’s money went to pay all his legal fees and then the loan sharks for his newfound gambling addiction, I’m left with little recourse in the dinero department.

I’ve learned the hard way no one wants to work with a stained lawyer. Thanks to my dad, the March name is ruined on the east coast. No one wants anything to do with a law firm that has known criminal ties. It doesn’t matter that he’s dead now.

“Are you going to sit there all afternoon staring at the water or are you going to help me pick out a baby name for the little one?” Serenity scooches a brick-sized book across the small knee-high table between us along with the half-full platter of fresh strawberries.

Her phone rings and the second the phone is to her ear, she giggles. I already know it’s her husband.

“I thought you like waiting until after the little bundle arrives,” I say when she hangs up.

I curl the tip of my tongue around the juicy fruit and slide my feet off either side of the lounge to feel the heated, dry sand slip between my toes. It almost feels like I’m grounding myself from the onslaught of emotions that always hits me when I think of the crap my father did to land me on this side of the poverty line.

“We want to do things a little differently this time.” There’s a playful glint in her eyes that makes me smile when I rather play the poor me game a little while longer.

“Or… I can name her after you.”

“It’s a girl?” My heart leaps as she confirms it with a big smile.

“Nah. Vannah is okay, but your girl deserves something badass.” I pick up the hefty book that looks like it’s had some good use. “Good Lord. You could kill someone with this thing. Forget all the bodyguards your husband insists on, one good chuck is all it would take.”

The security detail I’m talking about does a good job of keeping themselves concealed, but the four men in black suits on a Florida beach tend to stand out no matter their camouflaging abilities. Poor bastards probably want to kill us both for how long we’ve been out here. But screw them. It’s been weeks since I’ve seen my best friend and I don’t know how long before I get a day off again.

Speaking of the daily grind…I let out a heavy sigh when I catch sight of the clock on her phone. “I gotta get back, babe. Rain check on the name hunt? I have work in a couple of hours.” My head is a little hazy from the strawberry margaritas Serenity insisted I try for the both of us while she nursed a virgin pina colada.

God, I miss this. The easy-going days. The feeling of carefreeness.

Suck it up, buttercupI reprimand myself. Pity parties are for others, not for me. Besides, nothing lasts forever, right?

The humor falls from Serenity’s face and I know what she’s about to say. She’s said it every single day since my dad died.

She grabs my hands in hers. The worry and kindness pouring from her gaze drench me in love. “Come live with us, Vannah. Please. You can help me with the kids while you get your feet under you. The new one here will arrive any day now and Lucas is worried sick about not being here when the time comes.”
