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"Zeph doesn't like flying people," Aisha said. "He's super cranky."

The dragon between my legs snorted.

"Oh, this is Yard," Aisha said.

"I'm not sure he's that long." I twisted around to look toward his tail.

The dragon snorted again.

Aisha's body shook with laughter. "No, that's his name."

"Oh." I grimaced at myself. "Of course it is. Sorry, um, Yard." I presumed that was short for something, but I forgot to wonder what when he leapt skyward.

He took us with him, but my stomach followed a few days later. Okay, a moment, but it felt longer.

The ground dropped away from us with alarming speed. I wasn't scared of heights, but I was increasingly anxious the higher we went. And all too aware we had no seatbelt, no harness. Nothing but Yard's good will to keep us here. That made me extremely glad I wasn't sitting on Kayley's back. I wasn't sure she wouldn't have tipped me off and left me to free fall.

Like planes, we flew in formation, Kayley out in front, the rest of us arrayed behind her. The Dragonesque flew with slow wingbeats, heads occasionally turning from one side to the other. Looking, I presumed, for dragons. Or helicopters.

The airspace up here might be busy for all I knew. I'd never given it much thought. Now I did, I hoped we wouldn't run into anything nasty.

"We should keep an eye out," I said near Aisha's ear. "For wolves." I didn't want to fly right over Knox and not see him. The idea of him running into a trap made my heart flutter and ache. He'd been by my side for so long now, I couldn't imagine him not being there. In the long run, he was safer without me, but I needed to make sure he was okay first. Bain too, in spite of the way his kiss left me wanting so much more.

My mind went to Dex. Gorgeous, possessive, intelligent, dangerous Dex. He reminded me of a blade sheathed in soft leather. Seemingly harmless on the outside, but he'd cut you to the core if you crossed him.

Thinking about him did other things to my core. Things which included him, Bain and Knox. Hades, even Devlin was in my thoughts right now. I must have been hungry if my brain was thinking this way about four guys.

"What about motorbikes?" Aisha's voice broke through my thoughts.

"What? Where?" I looked around and finally followed the direction she pointed.

There, down below, maybe fifty metres over, lay the road. Two bikes, no three, kept pace with us.

"Shit," I murmured. "That can't be a coincidence."

It certainly wasn't when one raised a gun and shot at us.

The bullets missed us by a long way, but the intention was all too clear.

Yard swerved and headed east, away from the road, in formation with Kayley the entire time.

The bikes left the road and headed overland after us. The lack of undergrowth, such a disadvantage to us, was a big help to them. They wove around bushes and trees here and there, but there was almost nothing to slow them down.

"We need a river or something," Aisha called out to me.

"Yeah." I hoped to Hades Kayley knew where she was going. Or that Bain did, and she was willing to listen to him. If we could lose the bikes…

"Or a canyon," she added.

She sounded so excited I had to peer around her to look. Sure enough, there was—maybe not a canyon, but a ravine at least.

I looked down as we soared over it. A small stream glittered through the middle. It would be a nice place to swim, under different circumstances.

The lead bike skidded to a stop half a metre from the ravine. His back wheel tossed up dust.

"Haha, take that, asshole." I flipped him off and hoped he saw it.

Aisha giggled, sounding more like a kid than an assassin.

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