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That begged the question why the dragon was out here in the first place. Like the one which circled the city before it and snatched a horse, he was a long way from home. I would have to bring that up with Dex when we got back. He might need to import some sheep from the outside to build up the existing flock which was traditionally the main diet of the dragons. They might simply have hunted them down to levels that couldn't sustain the dragon population. If that meant they started on the paranormal population, then that would need to be dealt with.

No one ever said leading the Vault was glamorous.

"We need to roll it over," Knox said.

I nodded.

We finished skinning the top side of the dragon and took some meat for later. I bundled them all up in a blanket Slade handed me. One of the few items left from the wreck.

Without a word, we lined up, hands on the dragon, and rolled it over, further away from the twisted car.

We made short work of the other side and added the new scales to the blanket.

"We can leave the carcass here," I stood and wiped my hands on my pants. "Something will come along and enjoy the rest."

I caught Viva's expression. I thought she might wrinkle her nose and look disgusted. Instead, she seemed sad for the dead dragon.

"Better him than us," I said.

She looked surprised, then nodded. "Yeah, I know. I just wish we could have scared him off instead."

I wanted to take her hand, pull her to me, and wrap my arms around her. I didn't like killing either, unless I had to, especially an animal just trying to survive. I also didn't want my head bitten off. Either of them.

As though she read my mind and didn't like what she saw, Viva stepped away from me.

I reached out lightly, just wanting to ascertain her mood. She was always harder to read than most other people, but right now she was a closed hardback book, locked shut with a steel key.

I was used to closing myself off, so I would respect her need for space, if that was what she wanted. For now, at least.

"We need to find a faster way back to the city," I said. If it was just me, I could walk all the way, and forage for food as I went. With five of us, it would take longer, and a lot more hunting to feed us all. The dragon would only sustain us for a day or two.

"Hitchhike?" Viva suggested.

"We will if any cars come this way," I said. "If they don't, then we'll need to think of something else."

“Like what?” she asked.

"I'll run," Knox said before I could respond. "It'll be faster that way. I'll bring back a car."

I hesitated, pissed at myself for not suggesting that already. Now Knox had, I wasn't sure it should be him to go.

"If it wasn't for me, you could all run," Viva pointed out. "Unless…"

Knox stepped closer to her, but not enough to encroach on her personal space. He must have gotten the same vibe from her that I had.

"Do you think you can shift?" he asked softly.

She shrugged, but shook her head. "Not really. I was thinking it would be handy right now. We could all run then."

"Don't be hard on yourself," he told her. "If one of us could shift into a horse, you could ride us."

She swallowed audibly.

It wasn't just her who thought about another way she could ride us.

I had to think about something else to tame my half-hard cock. Damn Knox. I was pretty sure he knew exactly what he'd done, too.

"Greg could go with Knox," Slade said. From the look on his face, he'd heard everything. I couldn't tell if he found it funny, arousing, or both. He was certainly looking at Viva with a measuring gaze.

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