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Viper snagged himself an apple and crunched into it while he leaned against the wall.

I almost choked on a piece of bread when Devlin woke and shot up to a sitting position.

"What the fuck?" he said loudly.

I coughed to clear my throat. "It would seem we have a coup on our hands."

He stared at me with wild eyes. Then at Viper.

"What?" He shook his head. "Do I know you? Who are you? Do you know who I am?"

Viper looked unimpressed. "Someone who doesn't deserve to lead the Vault."

Ouch.I winced.

Devlin growled. "Howdareyou? Motherfucker. I’ll have your balls on a silver platter.”

Viper looked unimpressed. “Shut up.”

Devlin’s face turned red. His eyes flashed with fury. "Why are we here?" he demanded. "Where are the guards?" He looked at me, blue eyes laced with accusation.

"On their side," I said with a shrug. "Or dead or in the cells. It was an inside job. Oh, and Gwendolyn was in on it." I took a bite of cheese in place of a mic drop.

"Bullshit," Devlin snarled. "She would never do that. The bitch is loyal to me." He obviously wasn't one hundred percent convinced of that, but he didn’t buy that she'd engineered this.

That, right there, was why she told me everything. She knew Devlin wouldn't believe it. More than that, she knew it would drive a wedge between us if I pushed the matter.

She was smarter and more devious than I gave her credit for.

Devlin knitted his brows. "Are you sure it wasn't you who planned this?"

I almost choked again. "Me? Why would I do this?"

"I don't know. Maybe you aspire to be Alpha." He scowled.

"I don't," I said firmly. "I'm as loyal as ever. If I find any of my people are in on this, they will be dealt with." I threatened execution often enough, maybe I needed to actually carry out a few. I could start with thisViperclown.

"There's food." I nodded toward the tray. "You can serve yourself," I said.

Devlin frowned and rose on unsteady feet to walk to the trolley.

I would have thought he'd be more concerned for Gwendolyn, but he hadn't even checked on her. Maybe he believed me after all. Or he was just an asshole, and I spent the last twenty five years pretending otherwise. The coup leaders might have a point.

I leaned my head against the wall.

Kerina groaned and put a hand to the back of her head.

"Hey," I said softly. "Are you okay?"

She cracked her eyes open and looked around. "I'm not sure, am I? This doesn't look good."

I smiled faintly. "It's not great, but we're alive so far."

"Right." Hand still against her head, she sat up. "They told me to choose a side. They didn't like my answer."

"Did they clarify what the other side is?" I asked.

She winced. "Something about freedom from the tyranny of the Alpha."

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