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Not whatever,whoever.It was their hands which held me under.


I kicked as hard as I could, splashed rose scented water, and tried to connect with my assailant. Leg, balls,anything.

All I hit was the side of the bath. It hurt like fuck, but I ignored the pain and went on kicking.

The edges of my mind started to go fuzzy.

Not again.

Unlike the night before, this was quicker. I was running out of oxygen. Reflexively, I opened my mouth, but only sucked in bathwater. I gagged.

The hands held me harder.

My energy started to wane. Even if I could use my power in the Keep, I couldn't inhale any scent anyway.

I thrashed a few more times, then felt my body surrender to the lack of air. Great. I survived a bunch of shit, only to drown in the bath.

I gave a last, big kick, then I was done. I felt the blackness come over me more and more, like a fog.

If I was going to think some epic last thoughts, now was the time.

Um, let's see. I should have fucked Dex, Bain and Knox. Maybe all at once.

I should have eaten more cheesecake.

And drank more wine.

Shame no one would ever know the wisdom of my last thoughts.

The pressure from my head disappeared and a steel vice gripped my arm and yanked me up out of the water.

I gasped a grateful breath, then vomited a bunch of water out of my lungs.

"That's it, get it out." Bain scooped me up, dripping and all and carried me to an empty part of the bathroom. Gently, he placed me on the floor, on my side.

I puked a few more times and gratefully breathed air into my burning lungs. It took at least several minutes to realise the staring, pale body of a man lay beside the bath.

"Who the fuck is that?" I asked, although speaking hurt.

"That was the guy who knocked out Knox and tried to kill you," Bain said. "Luckily I came to check up on you."

I jerked my head toward him. "Is Knox okay?"

"Apart from a knock to the head, he's fine," Bain said. "He'll have a nice headache for a while."

"Right." Apparently I was the only one they wanted dead. That was okay, I could live with that. Um, I mean, I could live with knowing they might only come after me again the next time. I didn't want the guys to die just because they were near me. All the more reason for me to step away from them.

"Thank you." I puked again. Damn, all that bacon. What a waste.

"Any time." Bain held back my hair so it wouldn't get sicked on. Once I was done, he grabbed a towel from a shelf and draped it around me.

Right now I was happy to be alive. I didn't much care that I was naked as well. Until I started to get cold. I wrapped the towel around tighter and held it in place with one hand.

"Um." Bain cleared his throat. "Did you finish washing?"

I shrugged. "I'm not getting back in there." Shit, it hurt to talk.

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