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Devlin pointed a finger at my chest. "Yes, there is."

Gwendolyn sat beside him, a mug of what looked like coffee in her hand. From the sour expression on her face, she didn't like his day drinking either. She could lecture him. He wasn't going to hear about it from me.

"So," I sat down opposite them both. "Should I be making plans for you to return home?" I hope so. They would be safer away from here, and cause me less disruption.

"Trying to get rid of us?" Devlin leaned forward and squinted at me. Any further and he'd fall off the chair and onto the floor.

"Of course not," I said smoothly. "I just thought that was your plan. I know you don't like the city much."

"There are lots of people," Devlin agreed. "So many people. And Gwendolyn tries to fuck half of them, right Gwen?"

Gwendolyn turned a shade of pink and looked toward the floor.

"Now she plays shy," Devlin scoffs. "I loved her once, you know. Now she’s just a harpy slut.”

I reconsidered my assessment. He wasn't half drunk, he was fully drunk.

"I know you loved her," I said carefully. "I'm sure you still do." I gave Gwendolyn a meaningful look. In the middle of their marriage was somewhere I didn't want to be. In fact, I preferred to be as far away as possible.

"Do I?" Devlin squinted at her and leaned back just before he fell. "Maybe she's thinking of seducing you the moment my back is turned. Right, Gwen?"

"Devlin, I—" She looked back up. Her face was red now, with a hint of anger.

"Go on then," Devlin said bitterly. "I give you both permission. Go and screw each other. Is that what you want?"

"I don't," I said quickly. "I'm sure she doesn't want that either." Too bad if she did. I wasnotgoing there.

"I just want to give you an heir," Gwendolyn said. "Maybe then you'd shut up about it."

Devlin stared at her, mouth open. "It's important."

"So you keep saying. I'm starting to think you're obsessed." She glared back.

"What am I supposed to do?" Devlin demanded. "Someone needs to be Alpha after me. Am I supposed to let my brother do it? Or Dex?"

Okay, I couldn't help but be a tiny bit offended by that.

"Why not Dex?" Gwendolyn asked. "He does all the work anyway."

I tried to keep my expression neutral.

Devlin spluttered. "Are you implying I don't work hard?"

"What do you do?" she demanded. "Apart from drink and boss everyone around?"

"Maybe I should leave." I didn't think either of them heard me.

"I do plenty." Devlin leaned forward in his chair again, but this time he did fall. He landed with a thunk on the floor and lay still.

"Shit," I said under my breath. I dropped to my knees beside him. For a moment, I thought he was dead.

Then he started to snore.

I sagged in relief and waved Kerina over. "Get some help to get him to bed. He can sleep it off."

She nodded and headed to the door.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that," Gwendolyn said softly.

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