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"Haha," I retorted. "Wherewould I wear it? I don't exactly go to the opera. Is there opera here?"

"Absolutely there is." She downed the last of her coffee and set the empty cup on the table in front of her. Like everything else here, it was well made, with intricate carvings around the sides and down the legs. Unlike many things here, it didn't feature giant cocks, or enormous breasts. Or fighting dragons for that matter. Instead, it just had vines and flowers creeping around the wood.

"When you get back, I'll take you to see some," she said. "Although, I have a feeling you might prefer some rock or pop."

"Just a bit," I admitted. "But I have an open mind." It wouldn't hurt for me to absorb some culture once in a while. I might even surprise myself by enjoying it.

I cocked my head. "You have rock bands here?"

"We," she corrected firmly. "We have some, but most people prefer the older style of music. Not everyone embraces new ways of doing things."

"I've noticed," I said dryly. "I'm surprised we're not going north on horseback." Pleased, but surprised. I'd spent more than enough time on the backs of the creatures. It was fun for an hour or two here and there, but not for days on end.

"Remind me to play you some of my playlist when I get back." I hadn't touched my phone in weeks. Even if I could get reception here, I had no one I wanted to call. The battery would be flat by now, but the Vault had electricity and I had my charger. If the Vault volts were compatible, I could be grooving along to my favourite bands in no time.

"I probably know all of the words," Zophia said. "My mother lives in the outside world, remember? I visit her every few weeks." She hesitated before adding, "She would like you."

"Of course, I'm very lovable." I batted my eyelashes and grinned.

Zophia laughed softly. "Yes, you are. Who else would have three men drooling over her?"

I stopped and blinked. "I wouldn't go that far." Okay, Dex made his intentions clear. Bain—there was certainly a vibe between us. Hades knew I'd wanted to bang his brains out since I first set eyes on him. Knox, well, he hadn't hidden his feelings from me either, butdrooling?He was sweet, protective, and that whole mysterious thing he had going on was hot as Hades.

"I would," Zophia said with absolute confidence. "You may not have noticed the adoring looks, but I have. And I've seen you sighing after them."

I opened my mouth to deny it, but closed it again and sighed out my nose.

I slipped off the jacket, draped it over my bag and flopped into the chair beside her.

"Is this where I'm supposed to say I prefer one, and should put the other two out of their misery?"

"Do you?" she asked.

I thought about it for a moment. "No. But if I choose one, the others might be pissed at me. And him. I don't want to get between Bain and Dex, but I don't want either of them pissed at Knox either. I also don't want the Alpha pissed at Dex or Bain. Or Knox for that matter. He might not want his brother paired up with some half blood." I wrinkled my nose.

"You're not a half blood," Zophia argued.

"I'm not a shifter," I replied. "I'm not sure what I am. According to Comus, my father was a god, but—"

"But?" she prompted.

"I'm not sure I really believe that," I admitted. "I'm a paranormal with different powers, sure, but part god? I don't feel very demi-omnipotent."

Zophia smiled. "You said, according to Comus, Hades and Hecate separated shifters and witches."

I shrugged one shoulder. "Apparently they thought the ability to do both was too much power for mere mortals."

Zophia looked thoughtful. "How would there be hemitheos without the involvement of the gods?"

"Selective breeding?" I suggested. After a moment I slumped down in the chair. "I don't know. Maybe Comus was full of shit."

"Maybe he wasn't," she said. "According to the Temple, there are lots of gods still roaming around. If there are, then it's possible. Hades might really be your father. Or Eleos. Or Eros."

"The god of love and sex?" That might explain a few things, including the fact three hot guys seemed to be into me. I might be wielding some Eros energy without knowing it. If that was the case, was any of this real?

"Have you tried asking your mother?" Zophia asked.

"I never found a good time," I admitted. "But what would I say? 'Hey, did you fall and accidentally land on a god's dick?' She would love that."

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