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Knox frowned slightly, but didn't argue. He gave Viva a lingering look though. Even in the dim light, I saw the longing on his face.

Not for the first time, I wished he'd been born first. Devlin was assertive and knew how to keep his people in line, but Knox was thoughtful and not above taking risks to keep the Vault safe.

I put the thought out of my mind as he and Kerina moved away. I couldn't change it, so I'd have to deal with it, like everyone else.

"So, you and me, hmmm?" Viva asked.

We stepped into the deepening shadows, careful not to step in the gardens, or walk into trees.

"You would prefer to go with Knox or Kerina?" I asked.

She snorted. "I'm just happy Dex let me come at all. And you. You both seem to think I'm made of glass. Not the power-imbued kind either."

"I know you won't break that easily," I told her. "But I also saw six dead shifters today. That suggests we should proceed with a certain amount of caution." Truthfully, I was surprised Dex let her come too, instead of wrapping her up in a dozen protective layers and tucking her away in a room with a big lock and no windows.

"I can do caution," Viva said.

I almost laughed, but then remembered she'd survived amongst the witches for so many years. She'd bided her time, waiting for the opportunity to live free of the bonds of them and the shifters.

Yes, she knew how to be cautious.

"Do you smell anything weird?" I asked, my voice low.

She sniffed audibly. "I smell flowers. And you."

"I smell weird?" I asked. I would have smiled, but she wouldn't have seen it anyway.

She laughed, a low, husky sound deep in her throat. "No. Well, no more than usual. I just mean that's all I can smell right now."

"Okay, good." I delved around with my senses and my ears. "I wouldn't want to smell bad."

"You never smell bad," she assured me.

"Neither do you," I said softly. Right now I wanted nothing more than to press her up against the side of the building, pull off her shirt and bra, and lick and suck her nipples until my mouth ached. I would bet anything she tasted as good as she smelled.

I swallowed hard and pushed the thought out of my mind. I needed to focus right now.

"Wait," Viva hissed. "I smell something funny. Not ‘haha’ funny."

"Yes, I guessed you meant that. Where?" I squinted in the gloom.

"Over there." Her upraised arm was a darker shadow in the gloom.

"Near the gate?" I whispered. The gate was silhouetted against the lights from the street beyond.

"Yeah, I guess so," she said. "Something around there smells like that kid, Nico."

"Okay, stay behind me." I reached out and found her hand. She felt warm and firm, but I wanted to protect her, to keep her safe. If anything happened to her…

I don't know when she'd worked her way into my heart so I could no longer imagine life without her, but she had.

"Tell me exactly where, if you can," I whispered.


We stepped in silence for a minute or two before she squeezed my hand.

"Here." She stopped us in front of a tree, a metre or two from the gate.

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