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"It could get us all executed," Dex said. He scratched behind his ear. "I should go and see to them. We need to figure out how they got past the gates."

"What if we find out Gwendolyn is involved?" Viva asked.

Dex exhaled heavily. "Do your best to find out something different."

"I won't lie," I stated.

Dex looked at me directly. "You might have to. Bring your findings to me." He ran a hand over his head. "We'll work out something."

I didn't need to sense his emotions to know he was in turmoil.

"We'll see what we can find." I nodded to Kerina. "You're with me."

"I'm coming too." Viva's expression clearly said she wouldn't take no for an answer.

I looked questioningly at Dex. "She can take care of herself."

"Yes, I can," Viva said. She stood and started toward the door before Dex could respond.

He gaped at her, then turned narrowed eyes on me. "If any harm comes to her…"

"It won't," I assured him. "We'll walk the perimeter, speak to the guards, and return. Viva can help to sniff out any place they might have slipped in without being seen." There were probably more of those than I cared to admit. The Residence never had to be a fortress before, it was just an enormous home. Ocean on one side and desert on the other deterred invasion, even if anyone could rally enough shifters to be called an army.

Dex scowled, but waved us away. "Go on then. Hurry up," he grunted. "Find how they did this and stop it from happening again."

I saluted him, but I was sure he didn't see it. His eyes were on Viva, who stopped to squeeze his hand and kiss his cheek.

"We've got this," she told him. "We're badasses, remember?"

A smile flashed across his lips so fast I almost missed it.

"Yes, you are," he said. He leaned in to kiss her mouth lightly, then let her go. "Knox, go with them. If anyone knows how to sneak around here, it's you."

Knox nodded, obviously relieved to be doing something that didn't involve going near his brother. Had Gwendolyn tried to seduce him too? Maybe the woman needed a group of adoring guys, like Viva seemed to be gathering around her. Did Viva even know how much the three of us cared about her?

I mentally shook my head. That was something we would need to deal with later. Right then, we had more pressing problems.

I led the way out the door, the rest close behind.

"Keep your eyes and noses open," I said. “We're looking for anything out of place. Sights, smells, even sounds."

"Especially if it's strange music," Kerina said. "Or pale ones."

"Pale ones who look like Helene." Viva shuddered.

"You two think Comus is involved in some way?" I asked. I raised my eyebrows at Knox, who shrugged.

"I think it's too subtle for him," Viva said slowly. "But it's not like I really know the guy. He could be capable of just about anything."

"Right." I nodded. I trotted down a flight of stairs and pulled a key out of my pocket for the door at the bottom. Personally, I hoped Comus wasn't involved. His illusions looked all too real and terrifying. If I never saw a fake bottomless pit at my feet again, I would be okay with that. It felt far too real at the time.

"Let's focus on what we already know." That was limited to tiger shifter involvement. At least it was a start.

I stepped out in the warmth of the evening air and locked the door behind us. It would suck if anyone else got in through an unlocked door. Dex would have my head if I let it happen.

"Should we split up?" Kerina asked.

I hesitated, then nodded. "Kerina, you and Knox take the north and west. Viva and I will take the south and east."

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