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"How do you not get lost?" I asked.

"Instinct." Knox seemed content to change the subject.

"Ahhh." I nodded. That made sense, I supposed. Animals usually found their way back home, unless they stowed away on a truck to Brisbane, or somewhere else a long way away.

"That and I've been here many times," he continued. "Sooner or later, you get to know the way around."

"For me, I think that will be later." At least I now knew there was little chance of an app for finding my way around.

"You might surprise yourself." Knox let go of my hand, but he seemed reluctant to do it.

So was I. His touch gave me strength. Without it, I was more anxious than ever.

"Stranger things have happened," I muttered.

The corridor widened and several people now walked ahead and behind us. Some I recognised, but none I really knew. I saw no sign of Dex or Bain. Both were probably greeting their esteemed leader.

My esteemed leader too, I supposed. Unless the Alpha kicked me out on my ass. I gathered my nerves and prepared my best smile to make sure that didn't happen.

Knox stopped in front of a door so abruptly I almost ran into him. He put out a hand at the last moment to grab me and pull me to his side. He offered me a small smile.

"Thanks," I muttered. Falling on my face wouldn't make a good impression. Especially since a couple of dozen people stood around the door, each face looking more impatient than the last.

"Anytime." Knox released his grip and knocked firmly on the door.

After a good minute or two, the door swung inwards, revealing Bain's stony face. He exchanged curt nods with Knox and stepped aside to let us in.

Annoyed murmurs followed us, but they were cut off with the closing of the door.

The tension inside the room was thicker than the cock on one of the Residence's statues. Considering how exaggerated some of those were, that was saying something.

"Ahhh, there you are," a voice came from behind a screen at the end of the room.

Like the last time I was here, the room was full of chairs, all facing the rear of the room. The screen hadn't been there then. Or was it? I was so full of nerves at the time, and most of my attention was on Dex, and whether or not he'd grant me asylum.

The man who stepped out from behind the screen was all dark hair, tanned skin, dark eyes and dark clothes. Not fully black, like Bain wore, but black jeans and a dark green shirt left unbuttoned halfway down his muscular chest.

He was attractive if I could look past the dangerous glint in his eyes, and how familiar he looked.

"Knox," he stated.

Knox inhaled through his nose. "Hello, brother."

I almost choked on air. That explained why the Alpha looked so familiar, and why Knox was so loyal. Although it didn't seem like any love was lost between them.

"You're brothers?" I managed to ask.

The Alpha regarded me through ridiculously long lashes. "Knox, why don't you introduce us?"

I wasn't fooled for a second. He knew exactly who I was. His eyes hadn't left me since the moment he saw me, not even to glance toward Knox.

It was a game of some kind, but I didn't know the rules. Or the prize.

Play dumb games, win dumb prizes. The words ran through my head before I could stop them. Thank Hades they didn't come out my mouth.

"This is Viva Taylor," Knox said simply. "Viva, this is the Alpha, Devlin Longwood."

I raised my hand. "Hi." I wondered if he also lived up to his last name. I suspected messing with him was even less safe than swimming in lava.

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