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"Right. This way." Kerina started off into the shadows.

We had to move quickly to follow her.

I just managed to see a low hanging branch in time to duck under it. Judging by the muffled "fuck" from behind me, Devlin wasn't so lucky.

I bit back a laugh. I didn't want him hurt, of course, but there was humour in the situation. The whole thing, really, not just the branch. Sneaking through someone's garden in the night, hiding from guards loyal to someone like Seth. This wasn't how I pictured my month ending. It involved a lot more bureaucracy and screwing Viva.

More of the latter, preferably.

I exhaled through my nose.

"It's not far now," Kerina said.

She must have mistaken my sexual frustration for impatience.

"I believe you," I whispered. "Does it open from this side?"

"One way or another, it will," she said firmly.

"Ah." Of course, an assassin would have more skills than killing people in their sleep. She would also be a master at sneaking, and getting in places most people couldn't.

That included getting out of places too. It was fortunate she was with us and not Bain. He would just kick the gate down and make a fuck ton of noise.

Okay, I should give him more credit, but we needed her stealth right now.

"Over here." She waved us over to the wall. Every centimetre was covered in vines. She swept a section back to reveal a gate, just visible in the predawn light.

"How the Hades did you know that was there?" I asked.

"It might be best that I don't answer that," she said. "Guild secrets and all."

"I see." I wouldn't ask any more. I knew she couldn't tell me, even if I had to have her tortured for the information. I preferred not to torture my second best guard, and I probably didn't need to know anyway.

"Just get us out of here," Devlin snapped.

"Yes, sir," Kerina said smartly.

Her tone was respectful, but I knew she was pissed off. She rarely called anyone sir. I should call her out on it, but it didn't matter right now. We needed to get out of here.

"Who's there?" a voice called from the direction of the house.

"Quickly," I urged.

Kerina went to work on the lock and had it open in a matter of seconds. The gate was next.

"Wait right there!" The voice was female. She didn't sound scared. She seemed annoyed to find strangers picking her gate lock to let themselves out.

"Get ready to shift if necessary," I said. "Not you, Yard. We'll keep you covered." A dragon would draw even more attention.

"Hurry up," Devlin snapped. He pushed past Kerina and out into the street.

I shook my head and waved her and Yard out ahead of me.

"I said, stop right there," the woman commanded.

"Sorry," I said over my shoulder. I let the vines fall back into place before I ducked out the gate and closed it behind me.

"Which way to the safe house?" I asked.

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