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He bared his teeth. "I'm nice when I need to be."

"I'm guessing that's not often," I said.

He glared at me for a few moments.

"You didn't answer my question," I said. "About me leading at your side."

"I think the leadership needs someone less volatile," he said.

Amen to that, asswipe.

"Get some rest. Tomorrow will be a long day." He stepped toward the doorway, stopped and turned around. "And know this. If you even think of leading me and my people on a wild dragon chase, I will kill you. After I kill Dex and the former Alpha."

"Noted." I gave him an insincere smile and slumped against the wall the moment he closed the door behind him.



"I think you're lost,"I told Yard.

We sailed over the wall with little effort, but that was where the easy ride ended. A few buildings down from the Residence, someone saw us fly past. Their shout woke everyone within a radius of a kilometre or two.

Yard landed in someone's garden. We threw ourselves off his back, sprinted for the shadows and waited for him to dress.

"We need to get out of here," Kerina whispered. "It won't be long until they look in here."

I nodded. "There should be a gate or something.” I hoped. Some of these residences only had access to the garden via the house. It was an old design, and not practical for gardener access. Still, it made the homes more private.

Kerina grunted. "Stay here, I'll go scout."

I wanted to argue that I was perfectly capable of scouting, but Bain was right when he said Devlin and I needed to survive this. If I had to swallow my pride for a while, I would.

"Can't we just knock on the door and demand they keep us safe?" Devlin waved a hand toward the door to the residence. "I am the Alpha. They should be grateful for the opportunity."

"I'm sure they would be," I saids dryly. "But that's not conducive to keeping a low profile. We need to find the others, then regroup. Besides, a lot of these people are loyal to themselves and their business interests. To some, that means siding with Seth and Gwendolyn."

"They should be loyal to me," Devlin snapped, but at least he kept his voice down.

"Yes, they should," I agreed. "But money talks, inside the Vault and out."

"This is why we keep to ourselves," Yard said cheerfully. "We know where our loyalties are if it's just to us."

"You should be loyal to me too," Devlin snarled. "I'm Alpha of thewholeVault, not everywhere but the area you're allowed to live in."

"Allowed?" Yard echoed.

I put a hand on Yard's shoulder and squeezed gently. "This is a conversation for another time." One when we could afford a pissed off Dragonesque. That was not right now. We needed them on the same side. Besides, I liked Yard. I didn't want to burn my bridges with him.

Devlin grunted, but fell silent just as Kerina returned.

"There's a small gate at the rear of the garden," she whispered. "We need to hurry. There's people on the street looking for a dragon. They're scared."

"They won't find one." Yard's teeth flashed white.

"That doesn't mean they won't jump at shadows," Kerina said. "We don't need them to strike first and ask questions later."

"We also don't need them to call out the Residence guards to help them hunt," I pointed out. "They know exactly who to look for."

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