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I shook my head. I would explain later. Knox wasn’t going to like it anymore than I did. For a moment, I considered taking him and going after her. I yearned for it. For her.

In the end, I had to get the leaders out. I swore to Hades, and every other god who cared, I would return for her.

Keep her safe, I won’t be long. I promise.

I rose to my feet, but hung back after the Keeper and the Alpha. I waved Kerina to go before me, then followed her out of the cell.

Yard and Latika stood a couple of metres outside, each with a knife in both of their hands.

"I could do with one of those." I nodded.

Latika handed me one of hers and Yard handed one to Kerina.

Even in the gloom, the blade of mine shone. Blood, by the smell of it.

"It's good to see you," I whispered.

"You too," Yard said.

Latika simply nodded. A trained assassin wouldn't stay alive long if she was a chatterbox, especially under circumstances like these.

Knox led the way toward the way out.

I glanced at two of Seth's guards who lay on the stone floor not far from the cell. One lay in a pool of shining blood, but the other looked to be asleep. I didn't care which it was, as long as they didn't stop us from leaving. They chose their side, possibly a long time ago. If dealing with someone as unhinged as Helene hadn't sent them running, then they were loyal to a fault.

I paused when I saw the Hemithea who pushed us back into the cell lying dead, her throat clearly slashed.

I glanced at Latika, who nodded in satisfaction. Of course, who but an assassin would make it past someone with that kind of power? The woman probably hadn't even known she was there.

Devlin kicked the corpse on the way past.

"Fuck you, bitch," he whispered.

People deal with stress in different ways.

"You told her," Dex remarked.

Devlin grunted. He looked savagely satisfied.

Kerina glanced down at the woman, clinical curiosity on her face.

"Anyone you know?" I asked softly.

She hesitated, then shook her head. "She seems familiar, but no one I recognise, as such. She might just be someone I passed on the street at some point."

I nodded. "Likely, if they've planned this for a while. They will have scoped the place out, maybe for weeks." I would kick myself later for not realising, but not right now. We had more pressing matters to deal with.

"Right." She set her mouth in a line and followed the others. I gave the hemitheos a last glance before I hurried to catch up.

I kept my eyes and senses open every step of the way. I half hoped to see Viva. Okay, more than half. I wanted to grab her, throw her over my shoulder and run. We could find somewhere safe to hide out until all of this blew over.

The only thing wrong with that idea was everything. Viva would hate me throwing me over her shoulder, and neither of us would be able to sit back and let others deal with the situation. Even if it wasn't my job, I would be in the middle of things. Viva too. We wouldn't be able to help ourselves.

Besides, she'd want to bring Dex and Knox along. I couldn't carry all of them over my shoulder.

A small part of me was anxious at the thought of her. I didn't want to believe Devlin might be right. If he was, Viva would try to stop us from leaving.

And we might have to kill her to get past.

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