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"Does the city have a name?"

Fucked if I know why those were the first words out of my mouth.

I followed Bain into Dex's office, Knox and Kerina right behind me.

Bain turned and gave me a grimace.

I responded with a smile.

Dex rose and slid out from behind his desk, the movement more feline grace than canine.

"It's about time you got back." He offered Bain a brotherly nod, but put his arms around me for an embrace. He didn't give Kerina or Knox more than a glance and a dip of his head to acknowledge their presence.

Then again, he probably didn't give them clothes, a fancy room and tell them they belonged to him.

Me, well, I had that honour, whether I liked it or not. Truthfully, if he did the same with Kerina, she would probably knee him in the balls. Maybe I should take a leaf from her book, but IlikedDex. A lot.

Besides, it did a girl good to feel wanted, especially when my own community turned their backs on me.

I was born a witch, but I was always different from the other witches. Tainted blood, they called it. So, I was exiled here, to the Vault, by the Covener, to keep me away from his son.

As if I'd be interested in a spoilt, snotty-nosed asshole anyway. Or his son. Just because Hades said I was fated to be with Max Crane didn't mean I had to listen.

If Comus was to be believed, Hades' days were numbered anyway. Could a demigod kill a god? He'd give it a red hot go, that was for sure.

As for me, I was happy to stay out of their argument. Right now, I had bigger issues to deal with.

"Yeah, you can't get rid of us that easily." I hugged Dex back.

He let me go reluctantly and perched his tight little ass on the corner of his desk. He gave me a look that suggested if we were alone, I would be the one on his desk, while he fucked me silly.

I might let him. All this tension between me and him, Bain, Knox, and even Comus, was getting to me. A girl has needs. Luckily a girl has a vibrator. Unluckily it was in my room in the Woman's Sanctuary, not here in Dex's office.

"You didn't answer the question." I flopped into a chair and sat looking up at everyone else.

Dex cocked his head and spoke as though only addressing me. "When the Vault was formed, the city was the whole thing. The only thing." He seemed amused to talk about something relatively trivial. At least, he was willing to humour me.

"Or so people thought," he added. "The further they travelled, the more they found, but the name stuck."

"So this is the inner Vault and out there—" I waved toward the window, "is the outer Vault."

"Something like that," Dex said.

Bain leaned against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. "I think we have more important things to talk about."

I made a face at him.Spoilsport. He was right though, we did.

I took a deep breath. My palms were damp. I wasn't sure how Dex would take what I was about to tell him. It hadn't sunk into my brain either. Not yet.

Knox gave me an encouraging smile. He seemed more accepting of this than I was, for which I was grateful. He and Bain could easily have turned their backs on me, called me a freak, dragged me back to the city on chains. The fact they didn't said a lot about both of them, and the tentative bonds I'd formed with them both.

My tongue darted over my lips. "So apparently I'm a demigod," I said in a rush. "Hemitheos. That's what they call people like me."

Dex's eyebrows shot up, but he waved for me to continue.

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