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Chapter Sixteen

“Are you positive you would like to do this now?” Mrs. Foster asked, glancing over at her in concern.

Madalene remained rooted in her spot as she stared up at the orphanage. “Edith did not kill herself, and I need to prove it.”

“How do you intend to do that?”

“I don’t rightly know, but I presume we should start at the last place where she was seen alive,” Madalene replied.

“I still contend this is a bad idea,” Mrs. Foster said as she placed a hand on her sleeve. “Why don’t we return to your townhouse, and I will pour you a nice cup of tea?”

“No, I can’t just sit by and do nothing while Edith is buried in such a disgraceful manner.”

Mrs. Foster dropped her hand and remarked, “I find that commendable, but it is much too soon. You haven’t even had time to start grieving yet.”

“I will.”

“Why does it matter so much to you how Edith is buried?” Mrs. Foster asked curiously.

Madalene pressed her lips together. “It just does,” she replied. “It matters greatly to me.”

Mrs. Foster sighed. “Then it matters greatly to me, as well.”

“Thank you,” Madalene said as she approached the door to the orphanage and knocked.

It was a long moment before the door was opened, and Mrs. Kipper’s eyes grew wide at the sight of them.

“Good heavens,” Mrs. Kipper declared, opening the door wide. “I apologize for taking so long to answer the door, but I hadn’t realized you would be visiting us today.”

“No harm done,” Madalene remarked as she stepped into the entry hall. “How are you faring?”

“Not well,” Mrs. Kipper admitted.

Madalene gave her a sad smile. “I assumed as much,” she replied. “How are the girls handling the news about Edith?”

Tears came to Mrs. Kipper’s eyes as she admitted, “There have been many tears since we heard the news this morning from Mr. Walker.”

“I can only imagine,” Madalene said.

“But Miss Gaillard has been wonderful with the girls,” Mrs. Kipper shared. “She truly has been a godsend during these terrible times.”

“I am happy to hear that.”

Mrs. Kipper stepped closer and lowered her voice. “We informed the girls that Miss Hardy had drowned, because we didn’t want to tell the girls what truly happened.”

Madalene nodded approvingly. “I think that is wise.”

Swiping at the tears in her eyes, Mrs. Kipper said, “I had no idea that Miss Hardy had the capacity to hurt herself. It is such a vulgar thing to do to oneself.”

“I am of the mindset that she didn’t kill herself,” Madalene expressed.

“But the coroner said—”

Madalene spoke over her. “The coroner could be wrong, especially since the constable originally reported her as being abducted.”

Mrs. Kipper gave her a look filled with pity. “I see,” she murmured. “Well, I certainly hope that you are right about that.”

“We were hoping to take a look in her room and see if we can find anything that might help us prove what happened to her,” Madalene shared.

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