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“Has she improved since your wedding?” he asked.

“Yes, she seemed too. We talked after I got back. I forced her to talk to me since we needed things out in the open. It’s helped, but this could be too much,” Natalie said as she slowed.

“I’m worried too,” he admitted as she turned into a yard that had a large square house and a large red barn. Searching the yard, he didn’t see Hazel or John Henry.

They both jumped out of the car and heard John Henry crying in the house. Looking around the yard and the field beyond, he saw her in the middle of the field, just sitting in the dirt.

“She’s in the field. You go get the baby, I will go to her.” He ran off, not letting Natalie argue with him.

Slowing when he got close to her, she faced away from him, looking straight ahead. Did she even notice he was there? When he got close to her, she asked, “Is he dead, too?”

“No, he’s stabilized.” He sat down next to her and pulled her into his arms and onto his lap. She was thinner than she had been two months before, light and more fragile.

“But he’s going to,” she whispered.

“One day, we all do. But not today.” He rocked her like a little child.

Silently, they sat rocking in the middle of the wheat stubble. Neither talked or cried. She hadn’t cried yet, he could tell. Maybe the pain was beyond tears. Another sudden death amongst too many in her life.

“I’m sorry they made you come out. You have more important stuff to do. You know, talk to God and all.” She pushed herself out of his arms.

“Nothing is more important than you, Hazel.” He pulled her back into his arms.

“They shouldn’t have called you.” She pushed her way out of his arms completely.

“I’m glad they did.” He got up and pulled her to her feet.

“You probably shouldn’t be. I told them.” Hazel walked toward the house.

“Told them what?” he asked from behind her, watching her jean-clad butt as she walked.

Turning, she caught him looking and smiled with the dimple. “I told them you said all kinds of curse words when you were fucking me.”

Taking a quick step forward, he put his arms around her and kissed the smiling face with the dimple. No light kisses this time; it had been far too long since their last kiss. A kiss like she gave him the night of the party. He didn’t even care who saw him. He had wanted to do this since she left him in bed that night. Sliding his hands into her short blonde hair, he groaned as her nails scraped his skin through the shirt on his back. Gently, he held her head so she couldn’t pull away.

She continued to kiss him back with equal fervor.

“Damn it,” he said as he pulled his mouth from hers. Resting their foreheads together, he realized that she was breathing just as heavy as he was. Looking into her hazel eyes blazing with desire, he whispered, “Fuck, hell, damn woman.”

“Feeling’s mutual, preacher man.” She smiled with full dimple at him.

Letting go of her hair and head, he grabbed her hand and walked back toward the house. As they made it into the yard, he noticed more cars were there. The book club, he assumed.

When they came around the house, he saw the book club were all there, sitting at a picnic table with their significant others. All were in couples except Mia, Mandy, and Hazel. But maybe he could do something about Hazel soon. Maybe he had given up too soon on a relationship with her.

John Henry ran to them when he saw his mom. His tears seemed to have been calmed with a sucker. As the boy got close, Ruston reached down and picked up the little guy, who settled happily in his arms.

“How are you, Haze?” Mia gave her a hug, but Hazel didn’t let go of his hand.

“Okay for now. I don’t know about later,” she admitted.

“At least Ruston was here to help out,” Ruth said, but Anderson poked her in the side for saying it.

“True.” Tess nodded in agreement. “I don’t think any of us would have given you that kiss.”

At her words, everyone broke out laughing, except the couple who had exchanged the kiss—they both blushed and looked at each other.

“Come on, let’s see if there’s anything too eat. It’s food time.” Mia led them all into the house.

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