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Rain smiled at me before turning back to everything he'd set out on the counter.

I ignored the two brothers as they watched me walk toward the island. I pulled out the stool beside Rain's and sat down.

Rain did something with the machine in his hands before setting it down on the island countertop and turning toward me. He smiled at me, so full and beautiful that my breath caught in my throat at just the sight of it. It was so pure, so full of happiness and pride, that I was forced to smile back at him.

"How do you want me?" I asked, as I placed my right hand on the island, my wrist aimed up.

"That's good," Rain replied, as he turned his stool around to face mine. "Hold still."

I could do that.

For Rain, I had a feeling I could do anything. All he had to do was ask.

“I have a confession to make though,” I murmured quietly.

Rain looked up from what he was doing and eyed me questioningly.

“I don’t like needles,” I confessed.

His mouth twitched and I grinned at him.

“It’s okay though,” I assured him. “I just won’t look. Maybe this will be better…”

I got up and carried my stool around to the other side of the island and sat down across from him. I thrust my right arm across the counter at him, the inside of my wrist up. I laid my cheek against the counter and stared straight ahead at the refrigerator.

“I’m not going to watch,” I informed him “and I think I’ll be alright.”

“You know it’s going to hurt, right?” he asked in an amused voice.

“Yeah,” I replied.

When I said no more, he chuckled but got down to business. I closed my eyes as a buzz filled the kitchen.

Rain had been wrong. It stung a bit, but it didn’t hurt me.

Then again, pain and I were old friends. I had a feeling we always would be.

It took him a little over an hour to finish. He worked without saying a word and the only sounds to fill the room came from the tattoo gun andGossip Girlon the television.

The end result was awesome, and looked like an exact replica of the one Rain had. He did good work.

I looked up from my wrist to see him watching me with a soft look in his eyes.

“I love it,” I told him honestly. A thought occurred to me then, and I smiled big and bright at him. “I bet Quinton yells at me when he finds out.”

For some reason, that thought made me incredibly happy.

Chapter Thirty-One

Quinton Alexander

Istood back with my shoulder against the doorjamb, watching.

I had never seen Rain Kimber more at ease than he was now, sitting in my living room watching television with Trenton and his daughter, Ariel. There was something about the brothers that made Rain act like almost a normal human being when he was around them.

At first, this had made me incredibly jealous to witness, but that was no longer the case. I couldn't hate them, no matter how hard I tried. They were orphans, like most of the rest of us. And they'd witnessed their entire coven, along with their parents, being slaughtered by hunters when they were just mere children. Rain had been there like some knight in shining armor to save them when no one else had been able to.

What I had originally mistaken for some sort of hero worship was what I was really jealous of, because I realized what it really was. The brothers had been alone for so long, but the moment they laid eyes on Rain again it had been like coming home after years and years of being gone. It was seeing your family again for the first time in forever, and you'd been desperate and missing their presence, their embrace, for so long that coming home finally was the best feeling in the entire world.

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