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He scowled at me as I moved up next to him to stand at his side in front of the table.

"You are not going to call me slugger," he said in a serious voice. "Can you imagine what Quint or Rain would do to me if they heard you were calling me slugger because I looked like I was going to punch you?" He shuddered in horror. "They'd cut off my balls and I'd probably be forced to choke to death on them. Oh, the indignity of it all."

Despite the fact my face heated up in embarrassment at the mention of his private man parts, I couldn't stop the giggle that escaped me at the image his words conjured in my head.

"Rain would make Quinton hold you down so he could do the dirty work himself," I teased, sharing my thoughts with him. "I think he enjoys getting his hands dirty, and he'd also love knowing that Quinton would want to do it himself and it would give him joy to take that away from him. And Quinton will let him, because he loves me and knows that if he tries to boss Rain around it's going to piss him off, and then most likely upset me and we can't have that, now can we?"

Julian's mouth dropped open, and he gaped at me while his eyes widened in shock.

"That's some imagination you've got there," he told me. "Do you often think of people holding me down so that they can torture me?" I opened my mouth to tell him he was crazy, but he shook his head before I could and continued, "You know what, never mind. I don't think that's what's important with what you just said. I think we should focus on the fact that you seem to get some type of sick pleasure out of the fact that your father enjoys playing games with the other members of your coven, and you're totally fine with him doing it. Tsk, tsk, Ariel. I never took you for the naughty type."

The gleam in his eyes told me he was enjoying this, but I was confused. Since when was violence consideredthatkind of naughty? He clearly thought it fit the mark. I realized in that moment that I really didn't know Julian as well as I knew most of the others, and what I did know about him was really confusing because he could be super sweet then seriously scary. He was a bit of a mystery to me and one I was working really hard to figure out by spending more time with him. I hadn't gotten very far as of yet, though.

I cleared my throat before saying, "Those two deserve each other and whatever they dish out amongst themselves. Rain gives Quinton something to focus on and obsess over other than me, andthatgives me room to breathe and keeps me from mowing him down with my Rover. So that makes it a win-win for me, I think."

Julian chuckled as he picked up a medium sized glass vial from the table. Purple liquid sloshed around inside of it as he shook it in front of my face.

"You're terrible," he said cheerfully, and I shrugged because maybe he wasn't exactly wrong and I couldn't argue with him about it.

I pointed to the vial. "What's with the purple stuff?"

He smirked at me. "I think this just might be what we're looking for. I need you to try it out for me though."

I gulped. I didn't want to try out some purple mystery liquid he'd concocted on his own.

"Uh, Julian..." I mumbled. "What exactly is it supposed to do?"

"You're not very trusting where I'm concerned."

I wasn't very trusting where most people were concerned. He should know that by now and not take it too personally. And this was some magical brew we were talking about, not Grape flavored Kool-Aid for goodness sake.

"What's it supposed to do?" I asked. "I'm not putting it in my mouth until you tell me."

He leered at me and I blushed again.

"Julian," I hissed in embarrassment. First, he wanted to talk about his balls, and now he was daydreaming about me putting certain things in my mouth. This was not how I'd expected this night to go at all.

"Relax," he said. "It's nothing bad, I promise. I wouldn't do that to you. Once ingested, this little babyshouldmake it so that I can't tell when you're lying to me. Everything that comes out of your mouth will sound like the utmost truth and I will believe anything you tell me."


Say what?

That's not exactly what we agreed on working on here. We were supposed to be coming up with something that would make it so I could tell if someone else was lying to me. This was something I would have no use for... but Marcus, on the other hand... This could come in handy for him now that he was going to be trying to take the Council down from the inside.

"Have you tried it out on anyone else?" I inquired hesitantly, but now just a little excited too. If there was any possibility this could help Marcus, then I was all over giving it a try... but maybe on somebody else first. You know, just to be safe. Maybe Julian should go first. Yeah, that sounded like a good plan to me.

"Nope," he gleefully responded. "I've been saving this moment to share with you."

Geez. I didn't like how excited he sounded about sharing this with me. Why couldn't he be like normal guys and, I don't know, buy me flowers and chocolate or something? That sounded nice right about now, I liked candy bars, and what girl didn't think flowers were pretty?

"Goodie," I replied half heartedly.

He grinned bright and big at me, like a kid who'd just come down on Christmas to find that Santa had stuffed his fat ass down through his chimney some time while you were sleeping and left gifts for you. Personally, I always found Santa creepy, but Jules looked like he would have been into it. Maybe.

He handed me the vial and challenged, "Ladies first."

I sighed heavily as I took the vial out of his hands. I had to trust that Julian knew what he was doing when it came to his magic. If this Grape Kool-Aid was supposed to heal me in some way, then I wouldn't have even questioned it before I emptied it down my throat. Healing was his specialty, yeah, but I'm sure there was more to him than just that. Right?

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