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"And you chose us?" Addison asked in a quiet, skeptical voice.

I hated that he sounded so unsure that I would choose to spend time with them and pick them to do something like this with me.

"Is that so hard to believe?" I countered in a hard voice. "I would have come in search of the both of you first if I hadn't needed to talk to the bodyguards beforehand. That's not something I even wanted to do, but did because I had to. I actually want you both with me when I go there to pack up some of my belongings. I... you both helped me pack up Vivian's things and I don't think I could have done that without either of you. I know I don't make enough time for you, especially with me working in the shop now, but I hope you both know that I need you in my life and love you both very much."

"We'll go with you," was Abel's immediately reply.

"We need to shower first, if that's okay with you," Addison said, before squeezing me and letting me go. "You can either stay in here to wait for us or we'll meet you downstairs in twenty minutes. We'll be cool with whatever you choose."

"But," Abel added, "we'd really like for you to wait for us in here, in our room, our space. You're on our time now and you need to understand just what that means. We all do."

I thought about all they'd said to me since I'd walked into their bedroom just minutes before. I had come here because I really had wanted to spend time with them and had missed them. But, if I was being honest with myself, I had been slightly nervous because I wasn't entirely ready to have sex with them and didn't want them to expect it from me just because I'd had sex with a few of the others.

"I'll stay in here while I wait," I assured them. They not only deserved that much from me, but they'd well and truly earned it as well.

I kicked off my flip-flops as I shrugged out of their holds. They let me go easily.

I headed toward the bed with the white, messy comforter as I pulled my cell phone out of the back pocket of my skirt. I had texts to respond to and hadn't had the time to do so because I had been too busy having sex with Quinton.

I didn't turn back to watch them, but felt them as they moved toward the other side of the room. I lifted the corner of the comforter and felt them leave the room. They'd not questioned me, but had instead gone to their bathroom. Together.

I knew outsiders would see it as weird that they showered together, but it had never bothered me before and didn't now. They just seemed like they worked so much like a unit that to separate them for any reason was a crying shame.

I laid down underneath the white comforter with my back against the wall. I sat there comfortably while I looked through all of my unread text messages and missed phone calls.

I responded to a lot of them, but I did not return phone calls. It was turning out that I was one of those ridiculous people who didn't enjoy phone calls unless I absolutely had to endure them. I much preferred texts. Unless, of course, you were Quinton or Rain. Or... maybe even Marcus. But definitelynotAdrian.

I read over his constant stream of text messages, with an ugly feeling filling me more and more with each one I'd read.

He'd given me an actual date and time for his stupid dinner and I'd responded that my coven would be there, but I sent him nothing else and I didn't respond to the immediate text he'd sent me back in response.

We had two days to prepare ourselves for the unfortunate event. Part of me wished it was tomorrow so we could just get it out of the way and done with. Another part of me wished for it to be six months from now and even then, I didn't think we would still be prepared for it.

I sighed as I put my cell phone away. I snuggled under the blanket and closed my eyes. I ended up drifting off to sleep while waiting for my twins to get out of the shower and get ready to go.

They woke me up and dragged my half sleeping self out of the bed. I didn't protest, but I did get angry when my Range Rover was nowhere to be seen and we had to take the twins’ truck instead.

I was going to kill Rain when I got my hands on him. It wasn't like he couldn't afford to purchase his own vehicle, instead he had to rob me of mine. Briefly, I wondered if he knew it had been a gift from Marcus and if he'd still want to drive it around once he found out. Some sick and twisted part in me couldn't wait to tell him.

Chapter Twenty-Three

From the front, the cottage looked just how it always did, charming and nestled away into its own little world. It looked like a place straight out of a fairy tale, and I half expected birds to start singing and little forest animals to come around the corner, hopping about.

Nothing so pleasant happened and the woods surrounding us remained silent.

Since the twins had already seen the wreckage, they went inside. I went around the side of the cottage and toward the back, so I could inspect the damage.

The sight was a lot worse than what I had been expecting. There were shards of glass scattered all across the grass, making it hard to navigate my way through them. The windows must have exploded from the inside out. Huh. I wondered if that had happened when I'd blasted it with water and hoped not because I didn't want to be responsible for causing any more damage. The back sliding glass door no longer existed and looked like a big, empty hole in the wall. The entire outside of the house was charred and black. Half the porch was missing as well.

I knew that whatever the inside looked like would be a whole lot worse than the outside, and that thought crushed a little piece of my soul.

When I went inside to pack, I knew for certain I wouldn't be venturing into the kitchen to check things out. There were some things a person didn't need to see.

I turned away from the destruction and looked out across the backyard, toward the tree line. Something in the grass glittered, catching the sunlight, and caught my eye.

Carefully, so as not to step on a piece of shattered glass and cut myself, I made my way through the grass toward that thing that glittered. I crouched down in the grass and picked it up.

"Ouch," I hissed in pain and dropped the dagger I'd been given during the fight. It was sharp enough to slice my finger open and now I was bleeding.

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