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Yeah. That sounded better to me.

"You have to be careful with the Council, Marcus," I warned him. "You have to promise me you'll be careful. I can't lose you and those assholes are scary, they won't hesitate to do something horrible to you if they find out what you're doing.Andthey are incredibly powerful witches. The most powerful out there, I think."

"I'll be careful," he promised me in a gruff voice.

A thought struck me and I leaned forward over the table again. "What about magic?" I asked him in a hushed voice. His eyebrows rose in question and confusion. "You no longer practice magic, remember? I imagine the Council isn't going to allow you to continue abstaining once you join them."

As far as I knew, Marcus hadn't used his magic in a very, very long time. It was sad really. I couldn't imagine not using my magic now that I knew I had it inside me. It's what made me special and I never wanted to give it up. Now that I thought about it, there were a lot of things about Marcus that made me really sad.

He cleared his throat. "I started practicing again," he quietly admitted. "I had forgotten how much I loved being a witch, how much I loved using my magic. I won't have any problems on that front."

I was happy to hear it.

"The boys, I'm sure, will figure it out on their own once they hear that I've joined ranks with the Council. Still, I would rather we kept this conversation between the two of us, if that's alright with you. I'm not asking you to lie to them, but I would ask—"

I cut him off mid-sentence. "My lips are sealed, Marcus, you can count on me."

He sighed in relief. "Good. I may need your help from time to time as well."

I nodded my head. I could help him, sure. If he wanted Quinton to kick his ass, that is. Rain as well. Maybe even Julian, he seemed like the sweet type but I knew underneath the surface lurked a vindictive psychopath just waiting to come out and play with the rest of us. He only hid it better. Maybe even Dash would get in on kicking his ass as well. Heck, they would all probably want in on it at this point.

"Let’s eat our food, sweetheart," he said. "That's enough discussion for today."

I looked down at my plate and sighed. It was probably cold now, but I would eat all of it anyways. I didn't like being wasteful. Not when I knew what it felt like to go hungry.

Chapter Three

Isat in my Range Rover parked in front of Fortune's for the Unfortunate as I debated whether or not I really wanted to go inside to confront Rain. Marcus had dropped me off and had long since gone, but for whatever reason I couldn't bring myself to go inside yet.

Rain would question me, this I was certain of, and I feared Marcus's secrets would be there in my eyes for him to see and he'd up his game with the questions. Then I'd have to lie to him and he'd know when I was lying. He had the uncanny ability to always tell when I was lying. And I wasn't quite ready to confront him just yet.

So going in there with him wasn't really the best option for me at the moment. The problem was, I didn't see anyone else's cars parked out front and, unless someone had been dropped off while I'd been gone, that meant Rain was the only person available to potential customers. And that could be a truly terrifying thing, because after a certain amount of time running the store, he started to seriously suck at customer service. It's like he had a timer running that only he could see and when the time was up, that was it for him being Mr. Friendly. He'd actually had several people run for the front door in an attempt to get away from him because he'd scared the crap out of them so badly.

Oddly enough, none of the guys seemed to give a crap about this. Half of them found it amusing and I think the other half were too afraid of him to say anything about it.

I worried though, because it was Tyson's business and I didn't want to see it tank because my bio dad scared away all the business, and I was the only reason he had a job there in the first place. I felt responsible for Rain, and even though he was the parent and I was the child in this situation, I took it upon myself to look out for him. But I also needed to look out for my guys too, so I was a little torn here on what to do.

I wanted to leave, but for Tyson's sake and the sake of the shop, I felt like I needed to go inside and finish out what was left of my shift.

My phone inside the front pocket of my hoodie started to vibrate. I pulled it out and read the text message on the screen.

Rain: I can see you, ya know.

I groaned as I dropped my phone into my lap. It landed face up so I was able to read the next text as it came in.

Rain: Get your skinny ass in here. Right now.

I rolled my eyes at the order. He was bossier than Quinton and that was downright scary.

I plucked my phone out of my lap and shot off a quick reply, letting him know I wouldn't be coming inside and was done for the day. Before he had the chance to reply, I pulled up a conversation with someone else and sent off another text message.

Part of my conversation with Marcus at the restaurant was running through my head, and I couldn't seem to forget about it or let it go. It was time and I thought I was ready. I needed to get this over and done with so I could move past my squeamishness and not let anything hold me back anymore.

I put my key in the ignition and fired up my Rover.

I saw Rain as he stepped out of the shop in my rearview mirror as I pulled away from the curb. He had his angry face on that promised a long lecture later on when he finally caught up with me.

I snickered as I pressed the gas pedal to the floor and sped away.

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