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My heart skipped a beat. I'd been afraid of this. He was far too possessive to just let this go without giving me a piece of his mind. At least he wasn't yelling.

"Quinton," I growled quietly. "Does it really matter who I have sex with first? You knew that eventually it was going to happen. I couldn't remain a virgin forever and, honestly, I've been ready for a while now but none of you would listen to me."

He fisted his hands and looked down at his lap.

"Part of me can't help but being jealous and thinking that maybe if I had been able to talk you into staying here with me, then maybe it would have been me who you'd gone to for that."

I sighed heavily. If I hadn't brought it up like a moron, then I wouldn't be sitting across from him and having this conversation. But I wanted to be open with him, he deserved that much from me. I felt like if he'd found out from anyone but me, then he would have freaked out about it way worse.

"Quinton," I said in a quiet, but serious voice, hoping I only had to say it once. "My having sex with Dash had absolutely not one thing to do with living with him, and everything to do with him and the situation. It just happened and I'm glad that it did. I wouldn't take it back for anything. Dash and I have a very close relationship, it was bound to happen sooner or later. The same thing could be said about you though, too, because we have a very close relationship that grows by the day. Even on the days where I don't like you very much."

"You always like me," he shot back.

He was wrong, I didn't always like him but I did, however, always love him. There was totally a difference.

I waved my hand toward the cards he'd sat down in a neat stack on the floor. "Can we stop talking about sex now and get down to business?"

He leered at me. "Sure thing, baby. We can stop talking about sex and get down to business. In fact, that would make me really fucking happy. By the time I'm done with you, you won't even remember what Dash's cock looked like."

My mouth dropped open.

He was unbelievable.

"Quinton," I hissed in mock outrage. "Stop talking about cocks."

My cheeks heated, likely taking on a very unattractive shade of red that made the rest of me look washed out and overly pale.

"Fine," he grumbled ungraciously, as he picked the deck up off the floor.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. That was way easier than I had imagined it would be, and he'd handled it very well. I thought he'd get way angrier and have some type of temper tantrum where he threatened Dash's life.

I was proud of him for remaining calm.

He cleared his throat.

"Did you know that the Catholic Church used to say that tarot cards were instruments of the Devil?" he asked me casually as he shuffled the deck, like we hadn't just been having a seriously uncomfortable conversation involving my love life.

"No," I answered, shaking my head. I hadn't known that, but I honestly couldn't say I was surprised.

"It's true, and one of the many asinine things that were made up in order to frighten people away from them."

"I believe you."

He shook his head, as if clearing it. "This deck has been in my family for a very long time. Handmade by one of my great something or another, and spelled to never deteriorate so they'll always remain as they are."

I watched his hands as they carefully shuffled the deck, completely fascinated. This was a new side to Uncle Quint and one I appreciated seeing. He'd rather I be kept in the dark and wrapped up in bubble wrap than to allow me to learn anything really useful. I had been slightly resentful until Rain had come along and pulled the kid gloves off of my training.

It seemed Quinton had decided to follow in dear old dad's footsteps.

Good deal for me.

"They were in the storage unit with the rest of my family’s bullshit. I'd honestly forgotten all about them until Ty reminded me they existed a couple weeks ago."

He looked up from his hands and looked me dead in the eyes. Warmth and sadness poured out of him. My face softened at seeing it.

"They're a gift, for you. We both agreed on it."

I broke eye contact, my eyes dropping down to the fingers I was twisting together nervously in my lap. Gifts made me uncomfortable and Quinton kept trying to dump all of his priceless family heirlooms off on me. Tyson went along with it, acting as if the whole thing was remarkably normal. It was getting to be a bit ridiculous if you asked me.

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