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Using his hold on my hair, he pulled my head down until we were inches apart. He tipped his face up, his lips brushing against mine.

"Crazy beautiful," he muttered distractedly, before his mouth crashed into mine.

I moaned into his mouth as my tongue caressed his, kissing him back feverishly. My hands slid up along his ribs before spanning out, my fingers splayed wide across his chest. I swiped my thumbs across his nipples, causing him to make a pained sound in the back of his throat.

Hmm... I'd have to remember that he liked that. I'd only tried it out because I knew I liked it when it was done to me. I wondered if everything would be that way for him and decided to give it a try.

Turning my head to the side, I broke the kiss. We both panted breathlessly. I kissed along his jaw, moving toward his neck. My teeth grazed his ear lobe, making him groan.

His loosened hand in my hair let go, both his hands now gliding slowly down my back. I kissed my way down his neck as his hands roamed over my hips, only stopping when he cupped the round, fullness of my ass cheeks. His fingers dug into my flesh and he squeezed roughly.

Heat bloomed between my legs, a restless, needy ache that I wanted filled immediately.

"Fuck," Dash hissed, as I ground myself against him. "We should stop," he groaned, "before things go any further and I hit the point of no return."

I disagreed, stopping sounded like the worst idea I'd ever heard.

"I don't want to stop," I told him honestly, "and neither do you. Unless you're telling me you don't want to have sex with me? Seriously, Dash, we both know that's a lie."

His erection was pressed up hard against me, there was no hiding how much he wanted me. Sitting on top of him with my legs spread, my knees pressed into the bed on each side of him, there was no way for him to mistake just how much I wanted him too, when my wetness was leaking all over him.

Dash sighed heavily, the look on his face full of frustration.

"I do want you, Ariel, more than I've ever wanted anything in my whole fucked up, sorry excuse for a life. But I don't want to rush you into anything, and if you're not ready—"

I was so sick and tired of other people making decisions for me and telling me I wasn't ready when they had no idea. That was a question only I had the answer for.

"I am ready," I stated in a voice laced with steel. "I've been ready for a good, long while but none of you idiots will listen to me."

Dash opened his mouth, likely to protest some more and valiantly protect my virginity, but I’d had more than enough of this ridiculousness. It was time for action, time I take things into my own hands, literally.

In order to quiet his protests, I kissed him. He was hesitant at first, his body tense beneath me. It didn't take long for him to relax again as the kiss grew more heated, frenzied even.

I broke the kiss and went back to trailing kisses along his jawline before moving down to his neck.

"Ariel," he moaned my name as I kissed my way down his body. I flicked my tongue across his nipple, making his entire body jump beneath me.

His hands fisted in the sheets as I continued on my journey, making my way down his body, using my mouth and tongue to taste every available inch of his skin on my descent.

Above his belly button and down to his crotch there was a thick trail of dark, red hair that led the way down to his pubic area.

I had never done this before but I wanted to try. I wanted to make him feel good, and hopefully lower his inhibitions enough for him to give me what I wanted without further protest, because it's what he wanted too.

I dragged my tongue down his stomach, stopping at his hip bone. I looked up at him as I paused for a moment, needing to see he was right there with me and enjoying what I was doing to him.

His eyes were locked on me, hot and burning with desire.

"What do you want, Ariel?" he asked in a thick, husky voice.

"You," I said simply. For me it was that simple. "I just want you."

My thoughts were entirely consumed with Dash. In this moment it was just the two of us and nobody else existed.

"You have me," he whispered.

A surge of victory burned through me. I wouldn't be his first, nowhere near it, but I would have something no one else ever really got from him. He was mine in ways he'd never been anyone else's.

Without breaking eye contact, I palmed his dick in my hand. For something that looked so hard, it was a lot softer than I thought it would be, almost like smooth velvet. And it was burning hot.

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