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I was a dream walker as my father before me had been.

Ty was a dream walker because it was in his blood, and he’d worked his ass off to hone his craft and be the very best version of himself that he could be.

Evidence was suggesting Ariel was a dream walker.

And I was starting to think that evidence was right, because the body belonging to the eyes of Rain Kimber were taking shape before me.

Rain Kimber was a dream walker. I would know, because he’d just entered mine.

It was in Ariel’s blood, the same way it was in mine, the same way it was in Ty’s.

The shape finished taking form, the body solidifying.

I growled unhappily under my breath. It had been a long time, years to be sure, since I’d had my dreams invaded. Even pissed, I couldn’t take too much offense. I had just been trying to do the same damn thing to him. I was a lot of things, a hypocrite usually wasn’t one of them. I wouldn’t be adding it to my resume today.

I took in the man before me and had to shake my head. He looked a little young, but there was no longer any doubt in my mind. This man was Ariel’s blood, her father.

He was tall, like me, making eye contact incredibly easy for the two of us, which he wasted no time making use of. I could have done without the direct eye contact. The longer I looked into those green eyes, the colder they grew, until what remained closely resembled death.

An invisible gust of wind made its way through the fog, making the black trench coat Rain was wearing billow out around his body, and I noticed just how thin he was. Too thin. Like his daughter, but although we were working hard at fattening her up, it just wasn’t working. Maybe it wouldn’t matter how much she ate, she’d always be too skinny. Maybe it was her genes.

They had the same ash blonde hair color. Rain’s hair was on the shaggy side, hanging down around his ears and forehead. He didn’t look like the type of man who gave a shit that he was long overdue for a haircut.

He stared me down with those cold, dead eyes of his, not blinking, not assessing. He simply stared, waiting me out. He wouldn’t speak first, it was up to me.

I wasn’t impressed so far.

“So,” I murmured, “you’re the mysterious Rain Kimber.” I crossed my arms over my chest and stared back at him. Sorry, buddy, but my eyes could go cold too, and I wasn’t easily intimidated.

He mimicked me, crossing his arms over his thin chest.

“And you’re Quinton Alexander,” he said in a deep, guttural voice. He spoke as if each word was dragged out of him, and each word was rusty from lack of use.

My eyes widened in surprise.

“How do you know my name?” I asked suspiciously. Just who the fuck was this guy, and how in the fuck did he know my name?

“We have a mutual friend,” he told me.

“No, we don’t,’ I shot back with confidence. Outside of my coven, I didn’t have any friends.

Rain shrugged like it didn’t matter to him whether I believed anything he told me or not. Hell, it probably didn’t.

But, he’d made me curious and I wanted to know how he knew my name.

“Which friend is that?” I ground out. Shit. We’d just started talking, and already I was having to check my anger. I usually had better control than this.

His lips twitched as if he were fighting off a smile. Like he found something I’d said or done amusing. That made me angrier.

“One that’s a little tied up at the moment.” He murmured with his lips still twitching.

I raised an eyebrow at that, not liking his choice of words. He’d put too much emphasis on “tied,” and I didn’t like the thought of someone I knew being tied up somewhere at the mercy of this man.

“It matters not,” he said. “And it is not the reason we are here. We’re here to discuss my daughter, and how you need to stop searching for me in your dreams. You also need to stop bleeding her. I’ve been having to block her for weeks now. It takes a lot of energy, and makes me feel like an asshole.”

My lips parted in surprise. I shut my mouth quickly in an attempt to mask my feelings, to hide from him. His eyes never left my face, so I doubted he missed much. I hoped he hadn’t seen me flinch when he’d called her daughter, it was the only time his voice had held any warmth in it.

“If you know she’s been searching for you, then why are you shielding yourself from her? Why are you hiding from her?” I couldn’t keep the accusation out of my voice. That girl would bleed herself half to death if she thought it might bring herself closer to this man standing in front of me. My anger came back in a burning hot rush. I hadn’t been aware it had gone anywhere until it came roaring back.

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