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“We don’t know that he’s dead,” I whispered even though I knew he was. He wasn’t moving, all that blood was leaking out of him and his eyes were wide open and staring up at nothing.

He was dead.

Jesus, Chucky was dead.

When Tyson didn’t say anything, I felt the need to fill the silence. “We should call someone, like, for an ambulance or something. He needs help.”

“Girl,” he muttered irately, “he’s dead. Fucking dead. And, we’re not calling anyone. We’re going home and going to bed.”

I wiped at my tears, swiping them off my cheeks and turned in my seat to glare at him.

“We can’t just go home and go to bed like it’s any old night,” I snapped at him.

“Yeah, we can,” he shot back. “And that’s exactly what we’re going to do. We’re going back to Dash’s and we are going to sleep. What we aren’t going to do is call the police and ask for an ambulance and send them out to where the Council is currently living. That would be the absolute biggest mistake we could ever make. And, I’m telling you, someone probably heard you screaming and went out to check. If he was still alive and there was anything they could do for him, I’m sure they are doing it. If he is dead, well, then they are probably going to bury his body somewhere and that will be the end to that. They won’t care because he doesn’t have any magic and he tried to kill two of our coven members and they won’t give a shit about him dying.”

“So we just go home?” I asked incredulously. “Just like that?”

He gripped the steering wheel in a death grip and sighed. “Yeah. But tomorrow we will have to call Uncle Quint and the other guys over and fill them in on what happened and that is not going to be fun at all.”

I watched the dark trees fly by as he speeded down the street. We had a long ride home and we did it in silence.

I digested his words the entire way home. He didn’t care one bit that we’d both just witnessed someone’s death. In fact, he was rather callous about the whole thing and it didn’t sit well with me.

Did he not care because Chucky was a normal, mundane human with no magic? Would he have cared if it had been a fellow witch who’d fallen to their death?

I wasn’t sure but thought maybe, yes, he would have.

I didn’t sleep a wink that night.

Tyson slept just fine.

Chapter Twenty-Two

"You need to fake it for them," Rain said in his deep voice and I turned to face him, confused.

"Fake what and for who?" I asked.

"The Council," he told me, and he sounded like it should have been obvious to me, but it wasn't.

"Okkaayyy," I drawled out. "What exactly is it that you want me to fake for them?"

"Everything," he said, and I sighed.

Rain was going to drive me crazy if he kept going like this. I didn't want to drag things out of him when he could just as easily tell me what the heck he meant the first time around. This was not fun for me.

"Rain," Quinton growled. "Get to the fucking point."

Apparently, I wasn't the only one Rain was going to drive crazy. And why were those two together? They'd showed up here together and I hadn't thought to question it until now. That was weird. Quinton, like everyone else had been called here by Tyson so they could all hear together what had happened last night with Chucky. We were still waiting on the others to get here and Tyson was in the kitchen making himself something to eat.

But no one had invited Rain because no one knew how to get ahold of him and I had no idea why they’d shown up together.

"Where've you been?" I asked suspiciously. "And did you both come here together?" They did, I knew they did. I hadn't seen them get out of the same car together or anything, but I knew they'd arrived together. I turned to Rain, "Were you at the Alexander house?"

If he said yes, then Quinton and I were going to have words and they weren't going to be pretty or fun. He knew, they all knew, that I was worried when Rain took off because I didn't think he'd come back. I had abandonment issues among other things that I needed to work out in therapy some time but that was not the issue for today. The issue for today was now becoming all about Quinton hanging out with Rain and not telling me.

Quinton’s entire body braced, and he sighed, loudly, before saying, "Rain here had Marcus tied up in his basement and he asked me to help set him free. He thought it would go better for him with me there because he was worried Marcus would lash out and try to fuck him up for tying him up and tossing his ass down there in the first place. And he was right to worry. Shit would have gone down way worse if I hadn't been there to calm Marcus down and keep him from killing your dad, which is exactly what he wanted to do."

"What?" I shrieked in horror, not sure if I even believed what he'd said because it was pretty freaking unbelievable. I looked from Quinton to Rain, then back again. They both looked dead serious.

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