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I had blown my cover big time because, in my disgust, I had forgotten I was supposed to be invisible and no one besides Tyson could see me.

"It's just you and me out here," Tyson lied. "What the hell is the matter with you and why are you acting so weird? You know, what I really want to know is why in the hell you're so obsessed with her in the first place. From the first fucking day of school you've singled her out and were nothing but an asshole to her. Then you wanted to date her. I don't get it, not at fucking all. Tell me, Chuck, what's your play with Ariel here? Honestly, I want to know."

Chucky grinned at Tyson and it wasn't meant to be nice but mocking.

"She's hot," he said. "Or, didn't you notice? The chicks at school all talk about wanting to hook up with you but you turn them down every time. Are you gay?"

I sucked in a sharp breath and wished I had something to throw at Chucky. For one, I didn't want to hear about chicks wanting to hook up with Tyson. Not now, not ever. And, I really didn't want to hear the disgust in his voice when he asked Ty if he was gay. There wasn't a damn thing wrong with being gay but there sure was something wrong with people who thought it was disgusting. Those were the types of people who disgustedmesimply because they were disgusting.

I was feeling even less warm and friendly towards Chucky than I had been minutes ago, and that was saying something.

Tyson surprised me by saying, "She is hot, isn't she?"

Chucky chuckled and, that too, was ugly.

I was thinking there wasn't much about Chucky that wasn't ugly, and I was super happy he had taken such a dislike of me from day one because I would not have wanted to befriend him and then later find out he was such a horrible person.

“What she is,” Tyson snarled, “is dead to you.”

Something came over Chucky’s face that looked an awful lot like hatred and he lunged at Tyson. Ty saw it coming and was ready for it. He threw up his arms and grabbed Chucky by the arms before he could ram into Ty. Chucky snarled at him and tried shaking him off. Ty let go of his arms and swung his fist wide and aiming at the side of Chucky’s head. Chucky ducked out of the way and Tyson’s fist connected with his shoulder instead of his face. Chucky roared like and animal and charged him.

I yelped and scooted to the side and further away from their struggle.

Tyson dropped his shoulder and rammed it into Chucky’s stomach and shoved him forward.

Chucky’s back hit the wooden railing, there was a loud crack and his arms wheeled out at his sides, seeking something to hold on to. The wood gave out and Chucky tumbled backwards.

I ran forward and watched in horror as he dropped down to the cement sidewalk below.

His head made a sickening sound when it connected with the ground and a scream ripped out of my throat, loud and shrill.

Blood immediately started pooling out around his head and I stood frozen, looking down at his crumpled body that was eerily still.

Tyson grabbed my hand and gave a vicious yank.

“We have to go,” he hissed at me. “Now.”

I tore my eyes off of Chucky’s unmoving form and starting running with Tyson. The stairs blurred past as we ran down them, the sounds of our footsteps thundering around us.

We were going to get caught here red handed because quiet was a long-lost memory.

We cleared the stairs and Tyson dragged me to the driver’s side door of his Audi. He ripped the door open and shoved me inside. I climbed over his seat and into my own.

Tyson slammed his door and jammed his key in the ignition. I didn’t bitch at him when he didn’t put his seat belt on either, but I did yank mine over my shoulder and across my body and plug it in.

“Ty,” I whispered urgently. “I think he’s-”

“Dead,” Tyson said in a cold voice as he interrupted me. “Most likely he’s dead. And, now we need to get the fuck out of here.”

It was weird, but the Council didn’t come out of their rooms to investigate the noise. I would know because I watched out the back window as Tyson flew down the road. A sob caught in my throat as Chucky’s unmoving body got smaller and smaller.

When I couldn’t see him anymore I turned around in my seat and continued crying. I didn’t even know why I was crying, it’s not like he was a good person, or we were friends or anything, because none of that was true. He was a horrible person and he’d tried to kill Dash.

“Why am I crying?” I asked Tyson in a shaky voice.

“Because you just watched someone die.” Tyson immediately replied.

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