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I frowned down at him, not liking that he'd called me odd at all. I mean, Iwasodd, but wasn't it rude to point it out? I certainly thought so.

"It's not bad," he said quickly as he squeezed my foot before gently removing it from atop his knee and placing it on the rug. "It was meant to be a compliment." He picked up my other booted foot and placed it where the first one had been. He repeated the process with the zipper while speaking. "You're not like any of the other girls I've been with before, and that is so far from a bad thing that it is not even funny. I always end up dating the shallowest girl around and, trust me. I know it's because I can be an asshole, and I'm stuck up and like nice things. It's all true. And I'm certainly not going to hook up with some ugly chick. My snooty, asshole ways are what gets me the shallow chicks, and it also has a lot to do with the fact I never look below the surface, so to speak, where the ladies were concerned."

If my mouth wasn't still hanging open, and I wasn’t incapable of speech, I might have told him to shut up because he seriously needed to stop talking before things went south for us, which is where they were headed. And fast.

"Damien," I muttered at a loss for words. How did I tell him to shut up without actually being rude and telling him to shut up? I wasn't equipped for this type of situation, I usually just blurted things out and hoped chaos didn't ensue and that no one hated me afterwards. I was trying to be better, and I was trying to put a lid on the word vomit, because it often times made people laugh at me and if they weren't laughing then they were usually angry, and that was never fun for me.

"Just listen," he said as he got the zipper down the end of its journey. He pulled it free of my foot and placed it on the rug beside it's mate just as gently as he had the first one. He'd been awfully careful with both boots and it made me curious as to the cost of them. Not everything he and Julian had given me had come with a price tag or a sticker on it telling me just how much they'd paid for it. Initially, I was more than happy with not knowing, but after watching him be so gentle and careful with the boots, I was thinking I should probably inquire as to the cost so I could force him to return them, because I would certainly be outraged by the cost.

"How much did those boots cost?" I blurted out before I could think better of it. Immediately after I did, I wanted to pluck the words out of the air and stuff them back into my mouth. It was rude to ask him how much money he'd spent on a pair of boots for me. It was rude to do anything outside of telling him thank you. Then again, there were quite a few other pairs of boots in the bottom of my closet and it was safe to say that if one had cost a small fortune then the rest of them had been just as pricey.

"Forget the boots," he said.

I really wanted to, but was afraid I couldn't let this one go as easily as I had the rest of the wardrobe he'd bought for me.

"Why were you so careful with them?" I asked, and he set my foot on the rug with a heavy sigh. "They must have cost a pretty penny for you to take such care with them."

Damien surprised me so much he had my mouth dropping open once again as he burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I demanded to know as he leaned forward and wrapped his arm around his stomach as his body continued shaking while he laughed his butt off at me.

"You just proved my point," he said when his laughter died off and he was left no longer shaking, both arms still wrapped around his middle.

I glared down at him. "What point?" I demanded to know.

He placed his hand on the outside of my right thigh as all of the laughter left his face.

He grabbed ahold of my other thigh and slid his hands around to the backs of them. He pulled, and I stumbled forward, only stopping when I was pressed against him with his head below my breasts and my legs pressed up tight against his body.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a high, surprised voice.

"My point," he said in a low, husky voice, "is that you are all kinds of wonderful. Most girls I've dated would want to know how much those boots cost so they could brag about it to their friends, and you want to know so you can return them and make me donate the money to a shelter for homeless people or something."

Actually, that wasn't a bad idea.

"Don't look at me like that," he told me.

"Like what?" I asked in confusion. "I'm not doing anything wrong."

He shook his head as his hands slid further up my thighs, stopping just under my butt. "You're not doing anything wrong," he said. "But, can we please stop talking about the boots and get to the fun part of the night? Not that taking part of your outfit off isn't fun for me. If you decide you'd like to remove some other pieces of clothing, please let me know, because I would be more than happy to do it for you."

Looking down at him, I decided to take his advice and let the thing with the boots to go for tonight. He'd planned this whole night out and I wasn't going to ruin it for him. First dates were important, and it was becoming clear Damien thought so, too.

"What are we watching?" I asked him quietly, and I knew I had made the correct choice when a bright, beautiful smile spread wide across his face.

"Get down here and I will tell you all about it."

He picked me up off of my feet and scooted backwards on his knees while my feet dangled in the air. I rested my hands on his shoulders and held on. He let me go when he got the center of the rug. My feet landed softly, and he let me go.

"Sit," he ordered as he pointed towards a pillow. "Get comfortable while I set it up."

I did as I was told and sat down on a large, circular pillow. It had a bohemian design on it and had these weird tassle things hanging off the edges. It didn't look like something I’d imagined Damien would have, but who knew, weirder things were possible.

He hopped up from his knees, landed on his stocking covered feet, and headed towards the projector that was on the small table. He started fiddling around with it as I got comfortable. I stretched my legs out in front of me and grabbed the corner of a folded-up blanket and dragged it towards me. Holding on tight to the corner, I flicked the blanket out once, then twice, then a third time. I spread the blanket over my legs and sat back, placing my palms behind me on the rug. After a while my arms would likely go numb and I would need to move but for now I was comfortable.

The giant screen on the back of the fence brightened as Damien started talking.

"I figured tonight, since we're outside and, in all likelihood, you're going to get scared way easier, I decided we would go easy tonight with the movie. Nothing too scary."

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