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I grabbed the sleeping bags from where I'd dropped them beside the door and pulled the first one out of the thin bag it was housed in. I tossed both parts to the floor and picked up the other sleeping bag. I removed it from its thin outer bag and tossed the bag to the floor.

One bag was a bright orange color that was almost obnoxious, and I knew this bag was Dash's because he loved the color orange. The other one was a deep red and had flannel inside of it, I checked. The orange one was black inside. I placed the orange one on top of the blanket I had laid down on the floor because I felt the red one was less offensive to the eye. I put the red one on top of the orange one with the zipper aimed away from the wall. I grabbed some toss pillows off of the bench and piled them up at the head of the makeshift bed. As far as beds went, it wasn't a very good one. There wasn't enough cushion to it for my liking, but it was more than Rain had asked for. I would have to let this one go.

I nabbed my hair brush off of the dresser and a hair tie and moved towards my bed. I sat down at the foot of the bed and immediately started brushing out my hair.

I was stalling for time and I knew it.

I was at a loss for what to say to Rain, and felt like a fool for insisting on him staying here with me. Perhaps I should have given us both time to digest the situation, and then I could have-

There was a soft knock on the door. I hadn't even realized I shut it until that moment. I usually left it open, an invitation to any of the many people who might be here at any given time.

I cleared my throat and called out, "Come in," when what I really wanted to do was crawl under my bed and hide from my own stupid feelings.

The door opened, and Rain appeared with Quinton right behind him.

"What are you doing?" I asked while looking at Quinton, making it obvious I was speaking to him and not Rain.

The corner of Quinton's lip hitched up and the rest of his mouth twitched like he was fighting off a full-blown smile, maybe even a laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked snottily. I did not like being laughed at.

Quinton crossed his arms over his chest as he shook his head and looked down at the floor, avoiding eye contact with me.

Oh boy.

This, whatever he was going to say, I just knew it was going to be good and not something I was going to enjoy.

"Quinton," I said in a quieter, more subdued voice. He was starting to make me nervous.

I looked to Rain and asked, "Do you know what this is about?"

He shook his head, too, but not like he didn't know, just that he wasn't going to answer me.

Great, just great.

"Quinton," this time I said his name as a demand.

He didn't make me wait long for an answer and I almost wished he had.

"I'm sleeping in here with you tonight," he told me while still looking at his feet and avoiding eye contact with me.

My eyebrows shot up at that. He couldn't be serious, could he?

"Excuse me?" I asked hotly. "You're joking, right?"

He shook his head again. "Nope," he muttered.

I placed my hands on my hips and wasted a glare on him that he missed because he was still staring down at his feet, and huffed out, "You are, you are definitely joking with me right now."

He looked up at that, and the smile was completely wiped off of his face, all traces of humor gone. He now looked angry and pissed off.

Oh, goody for me. This just kept getting better and better.

"Dash said something tried to get at you in your sleep," he growled at me and pointed a finger angrily in my direction when he got to the end of his sentence.

"With the Council this close to us we need to take every precaution we possibly can. I asked Rain downstairs, and he said it wasn't him trying to get to you in your dreams, and I believe him. That leaves any fucking thing as a possibility. I don't know about you, but I sure as fuck wouldn't want some unknown thing trying to invade my dreams. And it's got to be a big, badass unknown thing, because I know what all Ty put into that dreamcatcher. Nothing, not one fucking thing, should be able to get passed the magic woven into it. If that doesn't scare you, then you have lost your damn mind."

I snapped my mouth shut, swallowing down the argument I'd had at the ready on my tongue to fire back at him the moment he stopped speaking.

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