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Apparently, I didn’t understand any of them. Except for maybe Tyson, I knew what he wanted from me. And Quinton, he was a little too forward with what he wanted from me and I understood him all too well.

“It’s perfect,” I whispered, answering his question about the bedroom that had been put together for me. And this was no lie, the room was perfect for me. Except for that outrageous unicorn poster. I did not like that thing at all. The rest of it was absolutely perfect. Even the ti

ny, coffin sized closet worked for me. And, I even loved the love seat that had been brought in to replace my window seat. It wasn’t the same as what I had at Mr. Cole’s but that didn’t mean it wasn’t amazing. I didn’t have much in my room at Mr. Cole’s house. Don’t get me wrong, every little thing I did have was lovely and I took pains to take care of it, all of it. I could lie and say they were just things, but I wasn’t going to do that. I was done lying to myself about anything. When you grow up poor, with second hand everything your whole life, you tend to learn the value of brand new, only ever been yours things. I’m not ashamed to say that by value I sometimes meant monetary value. I always expected Mr. Cole to get tired of my mother and her insane behavior and kick us out to the curb. We would need money to survive in that scenario, so I had made sure I knew what everything I had been given was worth. But another part of me, the better part of me, had always been ecstatic to have something of my own, something nice and new, something bought solely for my use. I loved the things Mr. Cole had gotten for me and I went out of my way to keep them in perfect condition. Not just for resale purpose if it came down to that, but because I simply enjoyed having nice things and wanted to keep them that way. I had been slacking on this lately. Like, I hadn’t been making my bed every time I left it and I was developing a really bad habit of tossing my dirty clothes and towels onto the bathroom floor. Maybe that would change now that I wouldn’t be having my own bathroom and would be expected to share with Dash?

The room they had put together for me suited me far better than the one I had put together for myself at Mr. Cole’s house. I couldn’t wait to put more things on the wall and fill my closet floor with things like knee-high boots. And, I wanted to put makeup and lotion and nail polish on top of my dresser.

I could see my new bedroom quickly becoming home.

“It’s absolutely perfect,” I repeated on another whisper because it was worth repeating. Emotion threatened to rise up my throat and I forcefully shoved it back down. Now was not the time.

“I got you a present,” Tyson said. “If you are done eating you should go up to your room and I will meet you up there with it after I get it out of my car.”

A gift.

Tyson had gotten a gift for me.

Did I want it? Yes, absolutely.

I looked at my plate which was only half empty. I really could not eat any more.

“Let’s go,” Tyson said as he moved back, away from me.

Apparently, he didn’t require me telling him what I wanted, he simply knew.

“She’s not done eating,” Julian barked at Tyson.

“You don’t get to order her around,” Damien said angrily.

They were annoying.

“You’re giving me a headache,” I blurted and they all snapped their mouths shut. “Dinner was great, really, but I can’t eat anymore.”

I pushed my chair back from the table and stood up. All three of them were glaring harshly at Tyson. Better him than me.

Tyson smiled broadly at them. It wasn’t his normal bright and beautiful smile, but a smug, condescending one.

I pushed on his shoulder as I walked past him.

“You have a gift to go and get out of your car,” I said. “Remember?”

I didn’t stick around to hear if he replied. I didn’t want to hear any of them speaking anymore because they might really give me a headache.

I practically ran up the stairs and to my new room. Tyson had come along in the nick of time and saved me from that awkward dinner and the questions they had started asking me.

I closed the door behind me and let out a relieved breath. Maybe I was better off home alone. No, not home. Not home anymore. I needed to get used to that.

I sat on the edge of my bed and placed my hands in my lap, patiently waiting.

What could Tyson have gotten me? I was curious, nervous and excited all at the same time. Since he got me a gift did that mean I was supposed to get him one in return?

Tyson burst into my room with a white box under one arm. He didn’t bother knocking.

“What is it?” I asked excitedly. I was practically bouncing up and down in my seat.

He laughed at me and moved to the love seat. After sitting down, he patted the space beside him.

“Come on, girl.” He said. “Get that pretty ass of yours over here and open your present.”

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