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“That exists?”

She has to be kidding. If there were aSupernaturalClub, I totally would’ve spotted it on the university’s website.

“Well, not officially. We don’t need faculty advisers telling us how to binge-watch the fight against evil while consuming massive amounts of junk food.” She holds out her hand. “I’m Scarlet.”

“Hannah.” I return her shake, experiencing a pleasant tingle when our fingers clasp.

“Come on, babe,” Bobby practically whines, his body leaning toward his bedroom.

“For Pete’s sake, just give me a second. Can’t you see I’m making a new friend?” Scarlet leans in close to mutter, “Guy can’t even wait a few minutes for high-quality pussy.”

Behind me, Nathan chokes on a laugh, and my cheeks turn cherry-red hot.

“Do you like rock climbing?” Her question comes out of nowhere, the wild tracks of her mind harder to stay on course than Rainbow Road.

“Um, I don’t know. Never tried it.”

Clearly not afraid of personal space, Scarlet grasps one of my biceps, giving a light squeeze, and then clasps my hand again to trace the pads of her fingers over my palms. “You got some muscle, girl. And calluses. You lift weights?”

“A few times a week.”

“Well, a little upper-body strength is all it takes. You should come to the rock wall in the gym tomorrow around two. My roommate, Callie, and I’ll be there. We can show you how. And quiz you on your knowledge of Sam and Dean Winchester—aka the hottest men on television.”

Her grin is almost manic but in a familiar way. It’s the expression that arises from the joy of discovering someone else who shares your fandom. My face is probably forming into something similar.

And because I get a kindred sense from Scarlet, I take a risk, praying I’m not shooting myself in the foot. “I’m actually more of a Castiel fan.” I name one of the other characters from the show, an angel with floppy, dark hair and soulful eyes.

Scarlet glances at Nathan, likely picking up some of the subtle resemblance between him and my fictional crush. Her grin adopts a knowing edge that shoots up the heat factor in my face a couple more degrees.

“I’m sure you do. Well”—she abruptly stands, towering above the two of us in her massive heels—“you’re still invited. Two p.m. Rock wall. Be there, ass-butt.”

Nathan stiffens against my back, obviously offended for me. I, on the other hand, am surprised into a delighted chuckle, easily picking up on herSupernaturalreference.

Before I can respond, Scarlet saunters down the hall, leaving Bobby to trail in her wake.

When they’re gone, Nathan uses his thumb to turn my head to the side, where he can meet my eyes. “Sorry. Didn’t know you were going to get ambushed.”

“Don’t be sorry! She’s awesome!Supernaturalclub …”

My mind skips over all the possibilities. Long discussions about the show. Themed snacks. Friends to share references with.

Sounds like heaven.

“So, you’re going tomorrow?” he asks.

“To rock climbing? No doubt. Have you tried it? Is it hard?”

“I haven’t. But we both know you’re pretty amazing at climbing things.” Lucifer’s grin turns wicked right before he leans down to press a warm kiss to my lips.



“You’re a natural!”Callie holds up her plastic dining hall cup to toast me.

I grin at Scarlet’s roommate, trying not to preen under the compliment.

If I’d had any worries about intruding on their climbing time, that was immediately squashed when I showed up at the wall. Scarlet cheered at the sight of me, and Callie gifted me with a smile while she clasped the hand of a lanky blond guy. I was quickly introduced to both her and Walter, an employee at the rock wall, who’s also Callie’s boyfriend.

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