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“I need to get back to work.”

“I’ll be there at nine,” he says. “I love you.”

As I open my mouth, wondering if the same words will come out in return, I hear the beep of a call ended. He didn’t give me a chance to respond, which only makes my heart hurt again. He didn’t think I’d say it back.

And in that moment, I realize I want to.

I love Cole Allemand.

Fear kept me from admitting how deep my devotion goes. But not admitting it doesn’t make it any less true. Cole never deserved my initial judgment. I put him in an “unacceptable” box before ever truly understanding the man. But all Cole has ever done is show me what a caring and compassionate friend and lover he is.

Yes, he’s had a troubled past. And yes, he kept that from me. But not because he’s still that person. Only because that’s the person he feared I would think he is now.

I proved his fears right.

And I’m a fool. Because he’s a good man.

The man I love.

My hands clutch at my phone, wanting to call him back and tell him. But my break is over, and he deserves to hear the words in person. So I attempt to exhale all my anxious excitement and return to work.

Somehow, I make it through the rest of the day without bursting through my skin. I’m so distracted that it takes me a second to realize whose books I’m checking out just a few minutes before the library closes.

“Joshua!” Wow. I said his name way too loud. At least I didn’t call him Josh.

He gives me a tight smile. “Summer. How have you been?”

“I’ve been good.” Better now that I know I’ll see Cole tonight. The thought has me grinning wide. “You?”

The stiff quality of Joshua’s smile disappears, and he leans closer to me. “I’ve been good, too. We should get coffee sometime. Catch up.”

Damn it to the archives of hell. Not this again. Not now.

How many times do I have to say no for it to register?

To avoid a repeat of last time, I choose not to respond. Instead, I print his receipt and slide the books toward him.

“These’ll be due back in three weeks. Enjoy!”

Joshua raps his knuckles on the top one then winks at me before picking them up and leaving. And I’m left feeling jittery and gross.

Luckily, the library is ready for closing, and my mind refocuses on the end-of-day tasks. It’s not long before I’m grabbing my purse from my office and checking my phone.

Cole:Stuck behind a car accident. Be there soon.

I type a quick thumbs up then lock up my office.

“Hey, Daniel!” I wave down the security guard as I approach the front door.

He approaches with a friendly smile, and I at once feel safer. “Hey, Summer. Heading out?”

“Yeah, only, I was wondering if you mind waiting with me? It’s kind of dark outside, and I’d rather not stand on the curb alone.”

Daniel moves closer, cupping my elbow with his hand. “Of course. I’m here for you.”

Once we step outside, he locks the door behind us. We’re the last two to leave tonight, and I was in charge of turning everything off while he took care of the final walk-through.

There’s no sign of Cole’s truck, even when I peer down to both corners.

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