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“And you’re still willing to help?”

“Of course. Just because he’s stupid doesn’t mean I don’t owe him. Now get changed and meet us in the backyard. Expect to get dirty.”

“O-okay. Um, can I talk to Cole for a minute?”

“Sure thing,” Paige says, uncurling from the floor and hooking her arm through Luna’s, dragging the electric woman from the room.

When we’re alone, I move to stand in front of Cole.

“Are you going to tell me why Luna is pissed at you?”

He responds with a tight-lipped frown that sets off warning bells in my chest.

“Were you two together?”

Cole’s eyebrows shoot up, causing my eyes to fixate on his barbell. Why do his facial expressions have the power to so easily distract me?

“Me and Luna? Dating?” He shakes his head in one definitive motion. “No. Never.”

“It wouldn’t surprise me. I mean, she’s…” I wave my hands at the place she’d been standing, struggling to find words to describe the enigmatic woman.

“Sure. But she’s also scary as hell.”

“True. Never took you for a wimp, though,” I tease.

Cole growls a second before he leans forward, wrapping his arms around my waist and tugging me to stand in between his knees. Before I can say another word, he has my head in his hands, tilting my face to make it easy to steal a hot kiss. He’s ruthless, plundering my mouth with his tongue, dropping his hold only to cup and knead my ass as he presses me to him. All I’m able to manage is a desperate clutching of his shirt as he ravishes me.

When we finally break apart, I’m panting, and there’s a triumphant gleam in his eyes.

“I don’t want someone to fight with. I want someone to play with.” His murmur is liquid gold, scorching through my veins, promising beautiful things when the two of us are truly alone.

“Think you can send those two home?” My voice is all husky temptation that makes me fiercely proud of my seductress skills.

Cole’s eyes spark with lust. But then the intensity leaves him on a sigh.

“Later. Right now, you need this.” He stands from the bed, staring down at me as he cups my shoulders. “I want you safe when I’m not around.”

“I’m not very good with violence.” The admission forces its way from my throat. What if I can’t learn self-defense because I’m too chicken to fight back?

Long, strong fingers massage the tense muscles in my neck.

“Just learn the stuff, okay?” His lips brush my forehead in a gentle caress that’s a stark contrast to the hardness of his next words. “You never know how violent you can get until someone forces you into a corner.”

The amount of truth twined in his statement tugs at my curiosity.

I get the sense that Cole’s experienced his own corner or two.

Chapter Forty-Three


The dinner Summer suggested was supposed to be small. But somehow we end up with a whole crowd of people at my place.

Jamie and his boyfriend, Craig.

Paige, Dash, and Luna.

Summer, of course.

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