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Maybe I should. Maybe this is an overbearing move.

But it doesn’t feel that way.

This feels like an offer I’d be stupid to refuse.

My attention skirting back to Paige, I can’t help thinking about her kind, upbeat nature.

“You know self-defense?” The question pops out before I can make sure no disbelief shows up in my voice. Then I recall the conversation I had with Dash about her running habits.

Paige nods. “My dad was a lawyer, and now he’s a judge. We got a decent amount of death threats when I was growing up. My parents thought it was a good idea for me to learn how to defend myself. I’m decent, but I figured since we have a master in our midst that I’d bring her.”

Paige gives an almost theatrical gesture toward Dash’s sister.

A master? What does that even mean?

Seeing the question on my face, Cole explains. “Luna’s visiting for a few days, and she does this for a living.”

“Really?” Great, that sounded way too doubtful.

“Yes.” The woman, Luna, answers in an efficient, but not necessarily offended manner. “I work with VIPs in Nashville. Mainly female country artists. Their crowds get rowdy, and you never know when some drunk hick might storm the stage. Good for them to know how to drop a guy fast. But I also cover fitness and nutrition in general.”

“That’s…wow.” That’s some resume. Unfortunately, that puts her way out of my price range. “I’m sorry, but I don’t have VIP money to pay you. I barely even have P money.”

Luna smiles, and it makes her face even more mesmerizing.

“This is pro bono.”

“But…why? Why help me, that is. Not that I’m not grateful.”

Her smile disappears as fast as it rose. “I owe Cole.”

For some reason, that sounded heavy. Does she owe him for saving her life or something? I wouldn’t put it past him. He’s surly, but I still think he’d stick his neck out for people.

He has a strange teenager living in his house for Pete’s sake. Which has me remembering to ask, “Where’s Jamie?”

“At his boyfriend’s football game,” Cole says.

That’s sweet, and has my chest feeling tight with hope. The kid won’t have a normal high school experience, but at least he doesn’t have to give everything up. I make a mental note to have a dinner and invite Craig over for it.

Now that I know where my unofficial charge is, I’m able to refocus on the oddness happening around me.

“What do you owe Cole for?” My curiosity hasn’t gotten me killed yet, but it might one day.

Luna grinds her teeth, then sighs out a huff. “For watching out for Dash.”

“Dash needed watching out for?” I think back on Paige’s boyfriend, who seemed pretty capable of taking care of himself.

Luna’s eyes darken, and she glares at Cole. He responds to the fierce expression with a clenched jaw and hard stare.

“You seem mad at Cole,” I can’t help pointing out.

She doesn’t bother with a denial. “I am.”

I find her honest, straightforward manner refreshing.

“But you won’t tell me why?”


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