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“No, of course not,” she spits out, her voice laced with venom. I’m afraid her hatred for Evie will never die. “Your other friend. We expect you at the house at six o’clock,” she chirps before she ends the call.

I stare at my phone, wondering what in the world she’s talking about. My other friend? She can’t be referring to Cannon, can she? How would she even know he exists, beyond my father telling her he me

t a nice American football player on Saturday night? Dad doesn’t even know I ended up sending the night with Cannon…


The thought hits me after I’ve relieved myself and I’m washing my hands. Mom does read the papers every single morning, including the overly gossipy ones that love to discuss the various socialites and young nobility out and about on the town.

Their words, not mine.

Panic filling me, I send Evie a quick text.

Have you read the papers this morning?

She tends to read them online while my mother enjoys them the old-fashioned way—delivered to her doorstep first thing every morning.

Evie’s response is almost immediate.

I have. You harlot.

She adds a winky face emoji like that’s supposed to make me feel better.

Why are you calling me a harlot? What did you see?

My phone rings, startling me, and I answer Evie’s call.

“You don’t know what’s happened?” she asks incredulously.

Dread fills me, nearly sending me toppling over. “Is it bad?”

“No, you look amazing. So happy with your sparkling eyes and your hand resting on his chest.” She pauses for dramatic effect, as she’s wont to do. “The footballer’s chest, which is as broad as a wall, I swear.”

“Where did you find this photo?” I ask weakly, gripping the edge of the bathroom counter. I’m suddenly dizzy.

Like I might faint.

“In the Daily News. It’s a short piece, something about Lady Susanna Sumner catching the attention of a famous 49er visiting from the States, and what an adorable couple you two make.” Evie sounds positively thrilled. “You two are an adorable couple. He looks at you like he wants to eat you up!”

He constantly wants to eat me up. I am so sore between my legs, I think I need a sex break. Oh, and the spa visit. “My mother just called.”

Evie’s good mood is deflated, just like that. “What does the Dragon Lady have to say now?” She hates my mother just as much as my mother hates her.

“She demanded that I come to dinner at the house tonight, and requested that I bring my friend.”

“You know she’s talking about Cannon. She must’ve seen the article too.”

The dread rises, threatening to choke me. “If she saw the article, she must be…”

“Livid?” Evie suggests.

“No, no, not livid. More like…”


“Yes, that’s it.” I don’t want Cannon to meet my mother. I love her. I really do, but she’s almost too…overbearing. To the point that she could scare Cannon away.

And I sort of want to keep him around as much as I can. Silly, right? What’s happening between us could never work, yet I want to give it a try anyway.

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