Page 7 of F*cker Next Door

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It was probably the first lie he had caught her in, and he was shocked. He didn’t think for a second that Cassie could lie to Daniel. Still, Slade wanted to know if it was him, and he wanted to make shit right between them.

There was a seat beside her, and he took it.

“Why are you here?” she asked, surprising him when she spoke, and didn’t freak out.

“You knew I was here?”

“I saw that fence when I first moved in. The previous owner told me all of its secrets. I didn’t expect you to use it.” She pushed her glasses up onto her head. “What do you want?”

He watched as she folded her arms, trying to hide her curvy body from his gaze.

“You can relax. I’m not a rapist. I only do willing women.”

“I didn’t think for a second that you’d do anything like that.”

“You didn’t?” he asked, somewhat shocked by that revelation. He figured she thought the worst of him no matter what.

“Just because I think you’re a jerk doesn’t mean I think you’re a rapist. I’ve heard the women you’ve been with, Slade. They’re there because they want to be.” She shrugged. “What I don’t understand is why you’re in my garden.” She sat up, leaning forward, and it caused a little gap between her breasts. Damn, those beauties had his cock getting hard.

He usually had a lot more self-control than this.

“Why did you run?”

“I don’t know what you’re on about.”

Slade stared at her and saw she was lying. Her cheeks were red. “You didn’t want to see me yesterday after what was said. Why?”

“I don’t feel comfortable being around a guy who can only make everything about sex. That’s not who I am. I’d really like for you to go now.” She moved her legs to the side, and stood.

He got up as well, and noticed how much smaller than him she was. She was so curvy, and he wanted to get his hands on her. He liked that she wasn’t afraid to eat either. Before he invaded her lunch the other day, he’d seen the enjoyment she had of her food. Some of the women he’d been with had all done the whole calorie counting, and refusing to eat food. He really didn’t give a fuck if a woman wanted a dressing with her salad, or if she wanted the last piece of fried chicken.

Life was too damn short to put everything off or to deny yourself what you really wanted.

He loved to play, and he intended to live every single day to the fullest.

“I noticed you don’t go on any dates.”

“You’re confusing me right now. You’re invading my garden because you want me to go on dates?” She frowned at him, holding the book to her chest as if it was some kind of lifeline.

“Look, I know that your dad was this big, giant asshole, but you don’t need to keep walking around with a stick up your ass.”

Slade regretted it as soon as he said it.

When he was around Cassie, he didn’t seem to get his shit together, and now it was making him put his fucking foot in his mouth.

“Wow, I mean, really, wow. You think because you’ve talked about me to random people that you have a right to tell me to live my life the way you think I should. What’s the matter, Slade? Not used to a woman not being interested in you?” She looked him up and down, and smirked.

“I don’t have a problem with a woman not wanting me, but believe me, you’re not one of them.” He stepped toward her. “You want me, which is what pisses you off. You don’t want to, I’ll give you that, but make no mistake, Cassie, your pussy wants me.”

Before he could stop her, she slapped him around the face. “Get out of my garden. You’re a pig, and there’s no way I’d ever fall for you. You’re a horrible excuse for a human being.” She turned on her heel, and stormed into her house.

Gritting his teeth, he was about to head back to his own garden, when he stopped. He couldn’t allow that to happen between them. She was his neighbor, and he knew she was a nice woman. He’d seen it himself with other people, how she’d always help anyone in need, from helping an old lady across the road, to listening to people moan even when she didn’t have the time.

They had gotten off on the wrong foot.

He wasn’t a monster, and his mother would be so pissed at him because of how he’d spoken to Cassie, no matter how she reacted to him.

Come on, Slade, get a fucking grip.

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