Page 39 of F*cker Next Door

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She tapped a pen against her lip, as she finished the last letter that Daniel wanted her to send to a lawyer.

“How was your lunch?” Slade asked.

He’d just entered the office, and was fanning his face with a file.

“It was good. Yours?”

“Boring without you. However, that pasta salad you made was delicious.”

“Did you take the entire bowl from the fridge?” she asked.

“Yep, and I found the lid you tried to hide. Finished it today after talking with one of the Andersons.”

This made her pause. “You went to see the Andersons?”

“Yep. It would seem they have been getting some complaints about the noise of their current building. They’re constructing a house on their land, and residents are getting pissed with the noise.”

“The Andersons are the ones that own a lot of the town.” She printed the letter, and placed it on the pile for Daniel to sign.

When she turned to look at Slade again, he was staring at her. Not liking that he was looking down at her, she stood up, and grabbed the letters. “Why are you staring?”

“The Andersons are Andrew? Andrew Anderson?”

“One and the same. It’s no big deal though. Just be careful. They can be quite mean to people who step on their toes.”

“I don’t care about rich bastards. Are you still game for my parents’ next weekend?” he asked.


She heard his phone going on his desk.

“When you’re done with that, come and talk. I’ll take care of this.” He left to go and answer his phone, and she took the letters through to Daniel.

“Are these for me to sign?” he asked.

“They are.” She placed them on his desk, and waited as he went through them.

“I heard about you and Slade,” Daniel said.

She looked at the sheriff, and her cheeks heated. “Erm, I’m sorry.”

“You don’t need to be sorry, Cassie. I just want you to be careful. I know how upset you got the last time, and I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“You won’t. I promise. I don’t intend to get hurt again.” She took the letters from him.

“I heard news that Andrew is coming back to town.”

She shrugged. “I honestly don’t care. I’ve had a long time to deal with everything that happened. Seven years of it, and I was hurt, but I’ve come to see that I wasn’t sad about him. I was sad about what happened afterward. I’m not a little girl anymore, Daniel. I can handle myself.” She moved toward the door, and bit her lip. “Actually, I wanted to thank you.”

“For what?”

“For everything you did for me growing up, and I also want to thank you for going and seeing my father’s body, and laying him to rest.” She hadn’t told Daniel that she’d known about that.

Going through some of his old files a few years ago, she had seen the report tucked away. Her father had died and no one had any way of contacting her, so they had gone to Daniel.

“You knew?”

“I didn’t know at the time. I found out after.” She hadn’t cried either. It was hard to cry for a man who told you how much they hated you. “Did he suffer?”

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