Page 15 of F*cker Next Door

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“You know I’ve not fucked on any of this,” Slade said, coming out with a bottle of beer.

Cassie took the beer and sipped at it. She wasn’t a big drinker. She had seen firsthand how bad alcohol could make a person, and she never wanted to be weak like that.

“You’re really crude.” And she was happy that her cheeks hadn’t gone red. There was a time she would have. The vibrator was a different story.

“I call it what it is. I’m not in the habit of avoiding shit.”

“Fair enough. I think we’re done. We shouldn’t be too badly damaged by the storm.” She then glanced at the trees on either side of their property. Some of them were really tall, and it always made her nervous. They had been really lucky so far.

“Will you use it?” Slade asked.

“Will I use what?”

“The vibrator.”

She frowned and turned to him. “Isn’t that a little personal?”

He shrugged. “Don’t care. I think it’s important. We’re friends, aren’t we?”

“Yeah, but I wouldn’t ask you if you used a vibrator. Do you use a blowup doll?” she asked.

She didn’t like the image of him screwing some poor defenseless doll. It was just not happening for her. “Forget I asked.”

Slade burst out laughing. “No, I don’t and have never used a blowup doll. They look like something out of a horror movie.”

Covering her face, she laughed. “I really, really, shouldn’t have asked. I’m sorry.”

“Nah, it’s fine. It’s what friends ask each other all the time, right?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never told Jessica stuff like that before, and I don’t think I’d want to know if it was true.” She sipped at her beer. “Our work here is done.”

Slade looked up at the sky. “Yeah, and it looks like they’re going to open up, any second.”

“I’m going to head back home. Have a good night.”

He was there to lift the fence, helping her.

“Thank you.” She gave him one last smile before heading inside where her phone was ringing. Closing her door, she rushed toward it and picked it up off the cradle. “Hello.”

“About time. I was worried there.”

“What’s up, Jessica?”

“I wanted to make sure you’re okay. You know these storms freak you out.”

Rain had already started to come down, and Cassie moved to the window in her living room, which overlooked the entire street. Within a matter of minutes it had gone from being a light drizzle to pouring it down with rain. “I’ll be fine. I’ve handled storms before.” She hoped this was the last one of the season as she really hated storms. When she lived in the trailer, it always was louder than ever before, and of course there was a fear she’d be burnt alive if lightning struck the trailer.

Most of the time she spent storms alone, and now wasn’t any different.

“What did you do today?”

“Cleaned the garden. Slade helped me, and then we moved to his place, and we cleaned his garden. It all looks great.”

In the background, Cassie heard one of the little ones screaming.

“I better go,” Jessica said. “If you need me give me a call.”

“I will. Thank you.”

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