Page 16 of Buying Her Flower

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“I just wanted to remind you that this is an auction. Or at least, it’s supposed to be. If no auctions happen tonight, then there will be no fee for hosting the event.”

She looks around at the room full of people. Or, mostly empty of people, I guess I should say.

“In fact, there will need to be multiple auctions in order to justify the hosting fee,” she snaps at me before she starts to walk away. Over her shoulder, she throws out a command. “So, you’d better get at least a couple of these girls auctioning off the goods, or it won’t be worth my time and I’m leaving, without paying the fee.”

I’m shocked and angry. I look at both Brian and Andrew.

“Why wasn’t I told about this?” I demand. “If I had known about this requirement, then I wouldn’t have agreed to host the event!”

I turn to Andrew.

“This wasn’t in the terms you discussed with me!” I lower my voice as I’m speaking to him.

He glares at Brian, who just shrugs and saunters off. Then he turns back to me.

“I’m so sorry. I seriously had no idea,” he apologizes.

He looks so honest and sincere that I have to forgive him.

“It’s okay,” I reply softly.

He gives me a sheepish smile and puts his hands in his pockets. I can’t resist, so I smile back at him. Julia is standing nearby, observing everything.

Brian is busy trying to convince Tammy and some of the other women, including Amelia, to participate. I’m so focused on Andrew that I jump when a guy taps me on the shoulder.

“You are the owner of this shop?” he asks.

“Um, yes?” I reply.

I try not to cringe at how sleazy he looks, his chin jutting out and his jaw hanging open, nearly drooling.

“You are so hot! Why aren’t you in the auction? Get in the auction! I’ll pay!”

He slurs his words a little as he spits them out at me. I can’t tell if he’s drunk or if that’s just the way he talks.

I look at Andrew for help, but he’s just watching, seemingly amused. But the look on his face tells me not to worry, that he’d never let this chump hurt me.

“Oh, no thanks. This isn’t for me,” I try to explain.

Julia interrupts me by saying, “We are actually going to start by doing an auction of someone who flew in from LA. This will give the owner time to decide whether she can get someone else to participate or whether she might need to do it herself, to earn her fee,” she explains, distracting the man’s attention from me.

To my relief, she leads the creep away. To my even bigger relief, he seems interested in the other woman now – the one who is about to be auctioned off.

Julia comes back a few minutes later to speak quietly to Andrew and me.

“You know, if we auction off this woman, one other, and you, that would be enough to cover your hosting fee,” she murmurs to me, with a smug smile.

She walks away, to give me time to think. I don’t want to look at Andrew. I know what he is hoping I will do. He had already suggested me auctioning off a date with him, before we even got here.

I tell myself to stay far away, because he’s dangerous. He could set my pussy on fire, he makes it so hot. I need to stay focused on my career goals, which is the whole reason I’m doing this.

Still, a date with him wouldn’t be that bad, and I’d get to make money from it too. I look at him.

“Okay, I’ll do it,” I announce.

Andrew smiles the biggest smile I have ever seen. He calls Julia over to tell her my decision. Julia seems happy.

“We’re starting off by auctioning off only a date, and then it’ll be a much bigger auction. You will be third in line,” she tells me, before announcing the start of the auction.

To my surprise, Amelia gets on stage, and is auctioned off, but only for a date, as Julia had just said. She commands quite a price just for dinner, though. I’m beginning to think my paycheck for today might be very high.

Then it is time for someone to auction off actual sex.

“I would like to make it clear that this woman isn’t a virgin and what she is auctioning today is public sex,” Julia states.

The woman up there looks so confident. You can tell this isn’t her first auction. Since she’s one of the women that Julia had flown in, she’s obviously done this before. She probably does it on the side to make extra money.

I wish I could be cooler about this auction, like her. There’s a bidding frenzy, with seasoned billionaires calling out numbers so high I didn’t know anyone actually paid so much for anything.

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