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“Not particularly.” She looked him up and down. “Before I let you in, what exactly areyouafter?”


Her mouth opened in surprise, but she glanced over his shoulder, and he followed her gaze. The sheriff and his men were still standing in the small clearing in the orchard, watching them.

“Let’s go inside,” she said.

Gray grunted, taking a moment to tie Birdie’s reins to the porch post near the rain barrel. The woman held the door open for him and he moseyed inside, taking his time to peruse his surroundings. The house was small but looked cozy enough. A small fire crackled in the hearth. A couple comfortable-looking armchairs were positioned near it, while on the other side of the room a dining table and four chairs sat in the light of two large windows. Two doors on either end of the house led to what he presumed were the sleeping quarters and kitchen. Quite a decent setup.

The woman glanced down at the trail of dirt left by his boots, her brow furrowing. A small spark of guilt at marring the overwhelming cleanliness of the place nagged him, but he didn’t let it bother him too much. He glanced back over to where she still stood by the door. She seemed wary but not overly afeared, which was a welcome change.

She blinked after a moment and gave him a tight smile. “Have a seat,” she said, gesturing to one of the armchairs in front of the fire.

He sank into it with a grateful sigh. Now that was something he could get used to. Much better than bouncing around on a saddle all day. He tilted his head back, his eyes already starting to close.

“Aren’t you wondering why I declared you my betrothed?” she asked and sat in the chair across from him.

He cracked an eye open. “You got your reasons, I expect,” he said, closing his eyes again.

“Don’t you want to know what they are?” she asked, her tone exasperated.

He sighed and pushed himself up straighter in the chair. He was curious, he had to admit, but frankly all he really wanted at the moment was a nice nap followed by a hearty meal. Her reasons for what she’d done could wait, in his mind. But she apparently disagreed.

He waved at her. “All right, then. Go ahead and tell me.”

She frowned and her mouth opened and closed a few times, like she couldn’t quite find the right place to start. Or maybe she just wasn’t quite sure what to make of him, because her brow remained furrowed, her mouth drawn in a confused frown.

He held up a hand. “Let me make this easy for you. Everyone I meet tends to want one of three things from me. They want to kill me, they want me to teach them how to kill, or they want to be protected from someone who wants to kill them. I assume you fall into one of those categories, most likely one of the last two, since you don’t know me well enough to want to kill me.”

“Bold assumption.”

He almost smiled. “I won’t be doin’ any of those things.”

Her frown deepened. “What do you mean?”

“I’m retired. I don’t think you mean to be killin’ me, but I’m not teachin’ and not protectin’. So don’t ask.”

Her eyes narrowed with a flash of anger. “I don’t want anyone killed, Mr. Woodson. Or do you prefer Quick Shot?”

He scowled. “Gray.”

“All right. As for the other…” She shifted in her chair as if she were uncomfortable. “I suppose it’s not too hard to determine from the little scene in the orchard that I could use…some assistance. Not protection, exactly, but—”

“No,” he said, stopping her before she got too far.

She blew out a frustrated breath. “Then why did you agree to be my fiancé?”

“I didn’t agree to anything. All I did was keep my mouth shut and follow you down here, and that was mostly because my horse had already done so. And there was some mention of supper…” he said, rubbing his stomach.

She rolled her eyes. “You haven’t even heard me out. You’d barely have to do anything.”

He pushed himself out of the chair with a grunt. “Look, lady—”

“You said I could tell you my reasons,” she said, standing to block his exit.

“I just said that for the food. And frankly, judging by the smells coming out of your kitchen, it’s not worth it.”

She grimaced. “You have to at least listen.”

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