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And Gray didn’t trust that for an instant.

The man was being too quiet.

Men such as him didn’t give up so easily. He had to be plotting something, and the longer it took for him to show his hand, the more antsy Gray got. If something didn’t happen soon, Gray might go looking for trouble just so he didn’t have to continue to wait for trouble to find him.

Birdie wandered by, munching what he assumed was another apple. He’d have to talk to Mercy about just letting her wander around the property, though the dumb animal seemed happy enough to stay in the courtyard where there was an abundance of water, sweet grass, and apples strewn about. Gray narrowed his eyes at the horse who blew a horsey raspberry at him and continued on her way, the goat—her new best friend—at her heels.

Gray shook his head and settled back. He still didn’t quite trust his newfound contentment. Well, minus the sheriff job, though Jason had been taking care of things there for the last two days so the newlyweds could spend some time together. For the rest…he would be happy if things continued on as they were. Nights spent making love to Mercy, mornings spent eating and relaxing on his porch, evenings watching the sunset without having to look over his shoulder for whoever might be lurking there before taking Mercy back to bed… Nowthathe could get used to. That wasn’t a bad life. The sheriff’s job was another matter, as was Josiah Banff. But they weren’t something he was going to think about just then. He closed his eyes and let the sun warm his face, his head pleasantly fuzzy.

He didn’t know how much time had passed before a poke in the ribs brought him back around with a snort.

“Hey,” Mercy said with a laugh. “You just woke up an hour ago. You can’t possibly be napping already.”

“You underestimate me,” he grumbled.

“Oh, never that,” she said with that dazzling smile of hers. “I have a present for you.”

“Oh?” he said, perking up. He loved presents.

“Of a sort.” She held out his guns, the ones he’d buried in the garden. “I dug them up after breakfast and cleaned them for you.”

“I really need to get better at hiding these,” he mumbled, reaching out to take them.

Mercy shook her head. “If you’re going to be sheriff, you’re going to need those. I promise I will not touch them without permission again.”

He chuckled and slid them into the holsters that he still wore on his hips. The familiar weight of them against his sides eased an anxiety in him he hadn’t realized he’d been feeling. Like it or not, they had been a part of him for a very long time. And while he was beginning to hope they wouldn’t be such a necessary feature, he did feel more comfortable with them at his side.

“Thanks,” he said, giving her that half grin that always made the heat rush to her cheeks. They didn’t disappoint him, flushing a pretty rosy red. Well, if Mercy could bend a little, maybe he could try as well.

He cleared his throat. “Maybe I can teach you a few things. One of these days.”

Her smile took his breath away. “That would be nice.”

Damn, this woman would be his undoing. And he’d love every second of his downfall. He pulled her onto his lap, making her squeak in surprise, though she didn’t protest. Instead, she settled against him, draping her arms about his neck.

“If you wanted me to come closer, you just had to say.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” He wrapped his arm about her hip to tug her against his chest, and she leaned in to kiss him without any further prompting. The small moan that escaped her when their tongues met sent his head spinning. That was the only excuse he had for not noticing that they were no longer alone.

“Well now, isn’t this a pretty scene,” Josiah said. “I hate to interrupt.”

Mercy gasped and jumped from Gray’s lap. Gray stood more slowly, keeping Josiah squared in his gaze while also watching the two men on either side of him. Josiah’s eyes narrowed, focusing on Gray’s chest.

“I heard we had a new sheriff,” he said. “Pity the last one didn’t stick around a little longer.”

“I’m sure,” Gray said. “It’s such a hassle when law enforcement actually aims to enforce the law, isn’t it?”

Josiah smirked. “And now we have an outlaw for a lawman. Now that’s about the most damn ironic thing I have ever seen.”

Gray ignored that. “What are you doing here, Josiah?” He tried to shift so that Mercy was behind him without being too obvious about it. Mercy, however, did not cooperate. Typical.

“You’ve got my men,” Josiah said. “I’d like them back.”

Yeah, Gray figured it was something like that. “I’m afraid they’re a little indisposed right now, awaiting trial in my jail cells.”

“You’ve got no cause to hold them.”

Gray’s eyes widened. “How do you reckon that? Your men attacked my wife on her property. Right in front of the sheriff, no less,” he said, gesturing to himself.

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